
1999-4-22 16:50:00

If anyone has risen above the solar plexus love it would be you, Glenys. Like I said, your statement made me ponder on this subject and my comments were to the group as a whole for I know that there are many out there who believe you have to nullify the mind to center yourself in the heart; whereas, the truth is the mind and heart must function as one. As it says in Proverbs, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (or she)."

Concerning the prophesies about "men" a more correct wording would have been "entities," but not even the ancient prophets saw the equality that men and women are achieving in this age. Sometimes a male and female working as a team is seen as one entity.

Adrian, I have no problem with your posting the writings of Cr?me. It gave us good food for thought. I do know that some readers do not like large off topic postings, but there's always the delete key.

What we do want to avoid is the fanatic who comes to preach to us on a regular basis about off topic philosophy. But posting other teachers' concepts for general discussion fits in with the spirit of this list. I would suggest keeping such posts of other material to around 200 lines or less and if that goes over, well then post more. Some readers print up the all the writings on the list and with some printers this can be rather expensive. My laser writer prints at only about a penny a page, but some printers cost 10 cents a page.

I would also suggest that when members comment on another post that we only quote the pertinent sections. There are times that readers have made a one line comment on a 200 line post and included the whole 200 lines in the post. This creates a hardship for readers with expensive printing costs. If any have questions about the technicalities of making a correct post, Rick or I would be glad to help.