Question on Unification

2005-9-12 11:40:00

My Friends,

I received this letter about the principles of Unification. I thought I would share it with you. Please note my comments afterwards.

Dear Mr. Dewey,

I agree strongly with the thought behind your 16 Principles of Unification, and as I read your introduction to them I anticipated that I would be adding my name to the list of endorsements. Unfortunately, upon reading the Principles themselves I found that I could not in good conscience do so.

I wonder if you fully realize that there are millions and millions of peace-loving people in this world who do not share your belief in God or an afterlife, and that in several European and Asian countries these people are even in the majority. Many of these people, myself included, would be enthusiastic supporters of your Principles were it not for the seemingly unnecessary theological bits.

For instance, in Principle 3, surely the important thing is the belief that humanity is one family, that we are all brothers and sisters. I believe that with all my heart, but I cannot sign my name to the principle because it asserts that "God is over all mankind" and that "we are children of God."

Similarly, with Principle 4, I of course embrace the goal of peace and goodwill, of "the best possible outcome for all of humanity" -- but because I don't happen to share your belief that these goals are "the will of God," I can't endorse the principle in its entirety.

I could continue, but I'm sure you get the idea. Relatively minor changes in the wording of the 16 Principles would make them acceptable to a much wider audience. As they stand, the Principles embrace peace-seeking people with a wide range of supernatural beliefs, which is a good thing, but they exclude people like myself who are skeptical of the supernatural but seek peace simply because it is an intrinsic good. Please consider drawing a wider circle in your vision of tolerance and harmony.


Wm Jas Taiwan

My reply and comments:

I appreciate your feedback and I understand your feelings on this. I didn't like the idea of excluding the non-believers on this but saw a great danger of conflict between the religions developing in this world. In particular the problem seems centered around Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Then too, Hinduism and Buddhism is also having its problems with Islam in India.

In order to make the most potent document possible upon which the religious people could find common ground it was necessary to mention God in a fairly generic way. Since there is great overlap in the beliefs of the differing religions, this presented an opportunity to remind them that if they lived their religion that they would share many goals with all others of differing religions.

I have thought off and on about how to include non-believers. I do not think the way is to change the original document for then it would lose its potency with believers. The only way to do this is to prepare an alternative document that shares the same basic ideas of unity but does not have a wording that requires a belief in God.

I have put together an alternative version that could be presented along side the first one that should be palatable to non-believers. This keeps the basic principles but does not require a belief in God. Take a look and let me know what you think.

An proposed Alternative Version of The Principles of Unification for Non-Believers is as follows:

  1. I believe there is good will and a desire for peace in the great majority of people, groups and religions and accept the idea of peaceful co-existence as an ideal for which to strive. I further realize that the majority of people wish to live in peace despite their differing beliefs.
  2. I see humanity as an extended family, which we should look upon all as brothers and sisters and include and love rather than exclude and reject.
  3. I believe that the will of humanity, as a whole, must include a desire for the best possible outcome for the whole of the family. The goal of "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Humankind" is a goal I embrace.
  4. I embrace the Principle of Love and seek to love my neighbor as I do myself. I seek to do unto others, as I would have others do unto me. I seek to be of service to others.
  5. I embrace the Principle of Light in that I seek greater understanding. I realize I have knowledge of some things but do not know all things about either the Supernatural or humankind, and therefore seek to know more. I believe that I can progress in knowledge and understanding of spiritual principles. I seek to ever expand my learning. I am open to a fresh outlook when greater light and truth are revealed to me.
  6. I accept the Principle of Cause and Effect and embrace the simple idea as taught in all spiritual movements that good and loving deeds, actions and thoughts will bring good results, while harmful actions will bring destructive results. I therefore seek to do good to all mankind that good will return to me.
  7. I accept the Principle of Freedom. I allow all people to worship, speak and believe how, where or what they may, so long as they comply with the just laws of the land (laws which protect the whole of the people). I do not support imposing my beliefs on others by force.
  8. I believe in the Principle of Sharing to assist those less fortunate than myself. I support the elimination of poverty, disease and ignorance from the human condition that all may live abundantly. I realize that this must be accomplished through working with the free will of humanity, not through force, and that sharing includes more than the material.
  9. I believe that true spiritual principles and facts are in harmony with proven science as is all truth no matter where it is discovered. In all situations I seek to know the truth rather than settle for that which is false.
  10. I accept the Principle of Harmlessness and in this spirit I do not support any first aggression toward any nation, group or individual. If there is no first aggression, there will not be a second.
  11. I support the Principle of Harmonious and Good Relationships and seek to be an ambassador of goodwill with my family, friends, groups and nations that all may benefit from contact with me. I embrace kindness in all my contacts.
  12. I support the Principle of Honesty and seek to tell the truth consistently.
  13. I accept the fact that beneficial teachers, innovators and servants of humanity have appeared in times past for the benefit of all and realize that others will yet manifest. I seek to prepare my mind and heart to accept the good, the beautiful and the true when they present themselves.

The original version is found at:

The Principles Of Unification.