1999-4-22 09:41:00
Just a short comment on the all knowledge is within idea. This idea is an illusion as no knowledge is within. Shocked? If you do not believe me try and learn Spanish or about the history of Russia by going within. You will not be able to do it because regular knowledge is discovered by going without.
What is within is a sense within the soul that has the ability to recognize true principles. When a true teacher teaches true principles the student can run them by the soul and receive confirmation. If the teacher's principles ring true with the soul, time and time again, then he can gain a quantum of earned authority with the student.
I would suggest that new readers go back and read my first post to the group entitled Teacher-Student.
Samu has it posted at: http://www.thenewagesite.com/JJ1 [Editor's note: Samu had the first archive set up, but it is now done by Larry.]
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved