1999-4-22 09:41:00
Glenys' comment on love caused me some reflection. It is true that the teachings I present sound a fairly mental note and we have not yet talked a lot about the Love principle, but I would submit to you that this does not indicate a lack of love flowing through this group. I have been with people who use the word love in every other word and have felt very little actual love flow. On the other hand, I have been with people rarely using the word vocally, yet in their actions and heart the energy definitely resonates to a high degree.
I know that Glenys was not implying a lack of love in this group, but that her thoughts were more in the direction that there are other aspects of it that are available other places that may not be had here. This may be true to a degree, especially when we consider solar plexus love which is very outward in its demonstration.
I would submit the idea that there is a very high degree of love energy circulating in this group even though love has not been the center of focus in the normal sense. From my point of view I am very satisfied with the love I feel circulating in the group, especially considering that our only contact is through the written word. I can only imagine what we would feel together if we could meet physically even once a week.
Let me give you one of my favorite quotes: "Before something can be loved, it must first be understood." Leonardo DeVinci. When I first heard this a jolt of confirmation went through my heart and soul.
Now consider this. Because love and understanding go hand in hand great illusion can be produced by turning the principle upside down: "You say you love me; therefore, you must understand me." Whenever we feel that another loves us this is always accompanied by a feeling that this person understands us to a degree, that he has looked into our true selves and understands that something good is there.
What if a Catholic was to tell you that, "the Pope loves you"? How would you feel? Chances are you would think that the Pope could not love you because the Pope does not even know you exist. The Pope understands nothing about you; therefore, any expression of love from him means little except that he sees you as one of God's creations.
True expressions of love coming from the true heart center are always sent on wings of understanding. It should be remembered that the heart center has twelve energy petals in two major divisions of Love and Wisdom. The heart center also has a reflection in the head center and energy circulates between the two. This causes a definite interlinking between heart and head, so Love is not complete unless the two work together as one.
The Tibetan Master, Djwahl Khul, said this through Alice A. Bailey:
"The heart as an aspect of pure reason requires careful consideration. It is usually considered the organ of pure love but-from the angle of the esoteric sciences-love and reason are synonymous terms, and I would have you reflect upon why this should be. Love is essentially a word for the underlying motive of creation. Motive, however, presupposes purpose leading to action, and hence in the group-life task of the incarnating Monad there comes a time when motive (heart and soul) becomes spiritually obsolete because purpose has reached a point of fulfillment and the activity set in motion is such that purpose cannot be arrested or stopped.
"Through the unfolding and use of the heart centre the love-wisdom aspect is similarly brought into use and the love of God is seen working out in a man's life and work. For the mind of God is love, and the love of God is intelligence, and these two aspects of one great quality are brought into play for the working out of His will and purpose.
"Too much emphasis has been laid on that called love (interpreted by man, according to his present place in evolution) and not enough has been placed on wisdom, which is love expressing itself in service, such a service that recognizes the occult law, the significance of time, and the point achieved."
Here he makes the interesting statement that "love and reason are synonymous terms." One of the reasons he says this is because half of the heart center is composed of reason, wisdom and understanding. If emphasis is only placed on the Love expression alone then the heart will be a fading flower. On the other hand, if the emphasis is on logic alone then the heart will become sterile soil in which no flowers can grow. Love-Wisdom working together as one creates a heart that overflows with joy.
One thing that gratifies me about The Immortal book is that I get many letters telling me how the story touched the reader's heart and many say they felt a great expression of love through the book. What makes these comments satisfying to me is that the only character in the book to say much about love was the bad guy, Philo. This tells me that the readers did not feel the love in the book because I shoved it in their face, but because they understand some of the feelings that were in my heart that I was attempting to convey in an imperfect language.
I want to tell the group that I do love you, collectively and individually, and everything that I do understand about you only increases this love. I also sense love coming back to me from you, and not only toward me but toward each other. I was happy to see your loving welcome of John back into the group. It was like a piece of us was missing for a time.
I also know that there are a lot of lurkers out there with loving hearts and lots of wisdom to share. We seek to understand the part you have to play in the grand scheme of things. I have not said many direct words of love to the group, but I have sought to give you love through service as I have sacrificed many hours of sleep (and cuddling with my sweetie) to bring you these teachings.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved