2005-8-21 06:30:00
Let me remind some of the newcomers and old timers who have forgotten that we like to limit OT posts to two a day from one individual. The reason we came up with this guideline is that members complained of too many posts that they had to sift through to find some meat or that they cluttered up their computer.
What is on topic is any comment on anything I have said of recent date. If I comment on an OT post then it becomes on topic.
Let me make a few comments about the evolution of those on the left and right.
There are no disciples of the left or right until a certain degree of evolution is reached. That point is reached after the first and second initiation is passed and the physical and emotional natures are placed under control. As the third initiation is approached the two paths become clear for the first time and a decision is made. The decision on the left is centered around the motivation that the needs of the self must come first, even at the expense of the many.
For example, if the cells in the body eat each other the whole is injured and will eventually die. The cannibalistic cells are feed for a short time but in the end they will die with the body.
The decision on the right centers around the idea that the good of the whole must come first and may require some sacrifice from the individual. The value of the individual is seen and nurtured but a realization is gained that the individual cannot receive full benefit unless the whole is nurtured. The understanding is basically this. If the body dies the individual cells also die. If the body lives and is healthy the cells also live and are healthy.
All disciples progress in evolution until this decision is reached. After it is reached the disciples on the right continue to progress toward life and spirit. On the other hand, the disciples on the left begin to move away from life and spirit toward death and the lower material spheres.
From this point on, their spiritual evolution comes to a standstill and they begin to devolve rather than evolve. They can gain some additional concrete knowledge, but these become as pieces to a puzzle where half of them are missing and the whole picture can never be clearly seen. He who has chosen the dark path sinks further into illusion until he is engulfed and eventually suffers a spiritual death.
He who chooses the right hand path rises out of illusion and begins to see clearly the next steps to take to move toward spirit.
DK tells us that Hitler was a second degree initiate. One on the dark path such as this can have very good concrete intelligence and appear to some to be even more intelligent that a higher initiate on the right. This is because most people judge intelligence only as it relates to data and the material world. The higher initiates have intelligence that ascends to pure reason and spirit but it is not comprehended by the average individual.
The average people of society are neither on the right or left for they do not yet have the consciousness to see and chose either path. They can be deceived by agents of Dark Brotherhood and used by them. Then there are others who are influenced by the Brotherhood of Light and used by them.
Many more, however, are attracted to the deceptions of the Dark Brotherhood than are attracted to additional light presented by the light. The main advantage the Brotherhood of Light have in dealing with humanity is that through the process of time they have anchored many valuable truths that humanity now sees as obvious. One example is the earth is not the center of the universe but moves around the sun. This and many other truths are anchored and cannot be denied by a sane mind today.
Even so, it is amazing how the Dark Brotherhood can take the obvious and twist it so the truth becomes obscure to further their ends.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who do not." [author unknown]
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved