2005-8-17 07:27:00
Part 33
JJ: There He was talking about physical bread; you can't live by physical bread alone. Then He says, "Ye shall live forever and the bread that I give is my flesh which I shall give for the life of the world. The Jews are discussed among themselves, "How can this man give his flesh to eat?' It was said unto them, 'Verily I say unto thee if you no not eat the flesh of the son of man and eat His blood you have no life in you.' So you have to do two things. You have to eat the flesh of the Son of Man and you also need to drink His blood. They thought, "Boy this guy is a weird duck! He has the devil."
Audience: It seems to me that the flesh and blood and bread and water are a sacrament and the first thought that comes to my head is a sacrament makes me think what is the difference between Him and the twelve or the eleven others that didn't get it. I'd assume that if the bread and water was spiritual; if I was to eat bread and drink water I'd be nourishing my body. If I was to eat spiritual bread and drink spiritual water there would be something to strengthen or revive the spirit. Joseph Smith said if you save the spirit you'll save the body.
JJ: Good statement. I hadn't heard that before but it's good. He talks about a bread that came down from heaven. Bread is what feeds you and gives you strength so if there is a bread in heaven, what does it do for the residents of heaven? It strengthens their spirit.
Audience: Another thought I just had and I don't know if it's quite related but we have the tree of death, the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. We know they're opposites and the tree of life gives life and the tree of good and evil somehow causes death. It would almost seem that the lack of knowledge of good and evil could create life which is the opposite of the two trees. I don't know if that's related or not.
JJ: Yea, it's related. There are a number of interpretations to this. Bread is that which gives you physical strength. Spiritual bread would be that which gives you spiritual strength. Blood is that which flows through us and gives us life. A spiritual blood would give us spiritual life. Spiritual life is eternal so if we eat that which sustains the eternal we are in a state of deathlessness. If we have a life flowing through us that sustains the eternal, that gives us deathlessness. The scriptures say the blood is the life of the body and of course the bread is that which sustains and feeds the spirit.
We could call the bread the Word of God. In another place He says this, "It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh, physical flesh, profiteth nothing. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, they are life." So would the words be connected to the spiritual manna, the spiritual bread, the spiritual life? In the beginning was the word. By the power of the word all things were created by the Word of God. It tells us that in the Gospel of John. All things were created by the Word so there must be a connection between the word and the spiritual manna from heaven.
He says, "I am the bread that came down from heaven." And He is also what else? The Word. He is the Word that came down from heaven and He is the bread that came down from heaven. So the bread that gives eternal life is what? The Word. What word? What word of God? Is there a certain word? What are the words that give eternal life? Do I just read the Bible and that's it? Do I read Alice A Bailey and that will do it? What words? How do we get words that give us eternal life?
Audience: It would have to be the same as you did with the coin. It would have to be a focus word for the original creation of that thing. That would be the word for each of us since we're all original and different.
JJ: You're on the right track. "He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me hath everlasting life. The hour coming is not here when the dead shall hear the voice of God and they that hear shall live. As the Father hath life in Himself, even so has He given the Son to have life in Himself." There is a key phrase here. They who hear shall live. What does that mean? Don't we all hear? I'm speaking. Does everyone hear me?
Audience: inaudible comment/question
JJ: Not quite. That's a sacred word with power behind it. He's actually talking about something else that leads to that.
Audience: The physical word doesn't do any good for you so it's some kind of spiritual word. The thought came to me that perhaps the spirit has a vibration that connects with that vibration or amplifies it. Somehow the spirit has to hear something.
JJ: I'll give you a hint. Remember what we've taught concerning the difference between facts and principles? What's the difference? The language of the Holy Spirit is what? Principles are the language of the Holy Spirit. In other words, there are two types of words and two types of food. Some food is like data. It can be sent through a computer or whatever. Then there are principles. Once you understand a principle, you understand a million words that explain that principle. Can someone tell me what a principle is?
Audience: The Christ Principle. Is that the word? When you take upon yourself the Christ Principle.
JJ: The Christ is the mediating principle between God and man. That is a principle. When you understand that we have spirit and we have matter and the interplay between spirit and matter, that point that we can reach with our consciousness, is the Christ Principle. It opens the door to all spiritual knowledge. So, the Christ Itself is a principle. The whole idea of mathematics is a principle. Once you understand the principle of mathematics you can get millions and millions of answers through multiplication, division, algebra, etc. When you get the whole idea of what math is that tells you more than twenty years of memorizing tables and things, doesn't it?
Audience: A principle would be an understanding of a concept of idea.
JJ: Another principle was taught by Joseph Smith and Plato and other philosophers. It said, if there was a beginning, there will be an end but if there is no beginning, then there will be no end. This is a principle. When you understand this principle, you can apply it and find all kinds of knowledge. For instance, let's apply this principle to common teachings. A common idea is that we began at birth but God is going to do something so we can live forever. That means you have a beginning but no end but according to the principle there is no such thing. Anything that has a beginning has an end so that means this doctrine cannot be right.
Now, let's pick a Mormon teaching. Mormons teach that if you behave yourself and do everything they tell you to do you'll eventually be a god. So they teach that there is a beginning to you being a god which means there is going to be an end to you being a god. That means they don't really understand the idea correctly because it violates the principle taught by their own prophet.
Let's go on to the resurrection. There is a beginning to the resurrection but they'll be no end. Again, that violates the principle so something is wrong with that doctrine. By understanding one principle you can find all sorts of things that are true and false. It leads you to everything that is true when you understand the principle behind something. One principle leads to thousands of pieces of information.
Audience: Truth is confirmed by the Holy Spirit so we say a truth is?
JJ: That is a piece of data. If you say Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that is a piece of data. So you need to know what it means. What's the principle behind a Son of God? What's the principle that governs the Christ and what He is? What does it mean? The whole principle behind it is the interplay of spirit and matter produces soul. The Son of God principle lays at the point of interplay between spirit and matter which mediates between God and man like the scriptures say. Soul mediates between God and man. Soul opens the door so that God and man can interplay with each other. That principle is within you. It's not an outside Christ. The outside Christ came to show us the way so that we can find the inside Christ within us. The Kingdom of heaven is within you, said Jesus Himself.
Anything that has form has a beginning and an end. The Earth has form. It has a beginning and it will have an end. The sun has form. It had a beginning and will have an end. The universe has form. It had a beginning and will have an end. It's only the formless that has no beginning and no end. Everything comes from the formless spirit, comes into the material world and comes back. There is however, no end to creation because there was no beginning to creation. The cycles of creation have always existed and will always exist.
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. Herodotus (484 BC - 430 BC)
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