2005-8-14 16:09:00
Woody asks:
I have a working theory that it is the Zion of Enoch which departed the Earth before the Flood. However, my research shows a great deal of discrepancy between my working theory and what I know of the Zion of Enoch.
Can you shed some light on this subject, or direct me to portions of your archive that deal with this topic? Thanks.
According to Theosophists Atlantis developed on two large Islands and a third smaller one over millions of years reaching its peak around a million years ago.
The larger island was named Ruta and was in the Pacific. The smaller was called Daitya and was in the Indian Ocean. A third smaller still was about the size of Ireland and was called Poseidonis located in the Atlantic.
Ruta and a part of Daitya suffered a great catastrophe about 850,000 years ago and sank. This did not happen instantly, but over a period of time.
The second great catastrophe happened about 200,000 years ago with the final submergence of Daitya.
The final sinking occurred about 9564 BC with the sinking of Poseidonis. This was the Atlantis referred to by Plato.
Since that time there have been other floods and catastrophes. The flood of Noah could have referred to a large regional flood around the time specified in the Bible or it could be extended to symbolize the many floods which have occurred in history where the Brotherhood have worked to salvage a few enlightened souls to begin anew.
Because we have such a long history it makes it difficult to place legendary characters in their right place in history. Some believe that Enoch was Hermes, the legendary son of Zeus.
The truth is Hermes was a great teacher of ancient date who is said to have lived 12,500 years ago, written over 24,000 books on every subject one can imagine and designed the Great Pyramid.
Geoffrey wrote:
I came across this principle in a book (The Revelation Of Ramala) and would like for you all to run it past your soul and tell me if you think it is correct.
"A person cannot be the cause of another's death unless the person responsible for the death is of an equal or higher level of spiritual evolution."If you think that this principle is difficult to work in a war, the second world war for example, Hitler and Churchill were basically responsible for many of the killings and not the soldiers themselves. These two were both advanced souls.
This is a teaching with a thread of truth, which if misunderstood could lead to disaster.
The thread of truth is this.
In war conditions a commander who orders men into dangerous situations should be more highly evolved than those whom he commands. For instance, Washington and Lincoln were highly evolved souls who ordered many men into life or death situations. There is nothing worse than for a highly evolved soul to be under the command of an ignoramus. But the lesser evolved can be inspired by the more intelligent, even if it be an evil genius such as Hitler and will risk death because of respect for the one giving the command.
The illusionary and wrong interpretation of this is the more highly evolved are often under the illusion that because they are intelligent that they have a life and death power over other souls.
David made this mistake and had Uriah killed so he could have his wife Bathsheba. The Bible tells us he was condemned by God for doing this.
The higher evolved can lead others into danger for a great cause and be justified, but if they take the life of another, either high or low, they will suffer the effects of karma just like anyone else.
It would have solved a problem for Jesus if he had just killed Judas, but such a thought never entered his consciousness. If he had acted on such a thing he could not have been the Christ.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master. George Washington (1732 - 1799)
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