2005-8-6 14:41:00
April writes:
"Wow JJ, You are beginning to sound like you work for the Bush administration."
Actually I seek to speak the truth and let it do its work no matter who is offended.
Because I say that corporations are an essential part of current society and perform a necessary function you link me with the Bush Administration.
Actually the small businessperson is much more likely to support Bush. The large corporations and big money often oppose Bush and conservatives in general. Bill Gates and most executives at the largest business corporation--Microsoft are Democrats as well as Steve Jobs and most of Apple. They refuse to advertise in any media linked to a conservative.
George Soros another big corporate guy dedicated his fortune to defeating Bush. This guy has done more to hurt the little guy than any corporation paying low wages. He made a lot of his money by trading currencies and one time almost caused the collapse of Great Britain's money.
About half of "Move-On.org," a corporation dedicated to defeating Bush, obtained half of its financing in the first quarter of 2004 from just two large corporate guys.
Many corporations associated with supporting Bush often give and equal amount of money to Democrats. Unfortunately the political parties are both a little like the Mafia subtly demanding protection money.
"Corporations are run by humans but at a certain level they lose their humanity. This is part of the matrix that we need to get out of in order to get out from under the control of the beast."
Associating corporations with a fictional movie idea is a stretch. There are also benevolent corporations feeding impoverished children in third world countries. Like any group containing fallible people there are good and bad in them all.
"JJ, thinks that we can use it to bring forth Zion but I feel that it is what is stopping Zion because in business if you don't play by the beasts rules you don't get to play."
First, I'm, not sure what you mean by "it." Perhaps you mean corporations. What is a corporation? It is a group of people getting together for a stated purpose. In this sense, I suppose even Zion could be called a corporation for it will be composed of a group of people getting together for a stated purpose.
Rules and laws have nothing to do with the beast. Blind authority is what creates the beast. Some corporations support unjust authority and some do not. Most corporations and individual are deceived by it.
My main point was that you cannot lump any group of people together and call them all evil.
"JJ, I must say I agree with most of the spiritual teachings but where you are coming from in the world issues makes me nervous."
You covered some territory that has little to do with what I have written, but you haven't specifically told me anything with which you disagree. If you can tell me exactly where you disagree with me then I could appropriately respond. Accusing me of being a spokesman for the Bush administration says nothing concrete or specific.
April (in response to Kati):
"There is enough! We have enough of everything. Abundance is everywhere! We only have to proclaim it for ourselves. Do you realize just what we pay in the USA to go golfing for a year would feed India for a year. All of India! I am not saying just feed them but to teach them to work for themselves."
This is what corporations are now doing. They are both teaching them and feeding them. More often than you realize when you call technical support or a credit card company you get a laborer from India who is happy to have a corporate job.
Yes, if all those (either individuals or corporations) who had abundance helped the poor, the poor would all get fed, but how do you accomplish this? The Bolshevik Revolution attempted to do this and it turned into the Soviet tyranny which took away freedom and made all go into bankruptcy.
Just saying something like, "If everyone just gave their golfing fees, their cigarette money, sacrificed going to movies, and so forth; the 'XYZ' could be helped," does nothing.
Let's face it. Neither people (in general) nor corporations nor governments are going to give up all their spending on pleasure or non necessities to help the poor. It's not in their nature and to say "they should do it" is just being unrealistically moralistic.
When you were making $50,000 a year you could have sacrificed and lived on $30,000 and given $20,000 to the poor, but I'll bet you didn't do it, but you are happy to tell others what they "should" do with their money.
"I can't believe that exploitation has been condoned on this list."
Exploitation has not been condoned on this list by anyone.
"When someone benefits greater from a situation then another person because of their circumstance that is exploitation."
There is never equal benefit in any situation. One person always benefits more than another in any exchange. Just like no two snowflakes are alike no two exchanges are exactly equal. Close to equal or equal satisfaction is the best that can be achieved.
"So give the people in India or where ever a wage in there country that is comparable to the wage they would give in the USA."
If corporations were forced to do this then the Indians would not be employed at all and would be poorer than ever. The corporations simply wouldn't go there and keep the jobs in their own country.
In seeking real change we must deal with reality, not wishful thinking.
"I think Americans are too greedy and have caused our cost of living to skyrocket because of our greed and now we are caught in a vicious circle."
Why single out Americans? They are no more greedy than anyone else, all things being equal. Nobody's perfect.
It appears to me from my experience that the average person can buy much more with his wages now than 40 years ago. I think we've made progress. Maybe that's the difference between seeing the glass half full or half empty.
To obtain a grasp of my ideas for change in business read my treatise on The Molecular Business starting at Article 187 in the Archives.
"In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their language."
-- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved