2005-7-22 00:02:00
lk writes:
By all-seeing we are referring to more than the physical although the physical is no problem for them. These Elohiym are able to see beyond the physical into the higher ethers and planes as well as any point on the physical planet.Yes, I think I am beginning to understand the principle now. Of course these Elohiym will develop this all-seeing eye because that is all they will need in the physical world. By the same principle then obviously they will develop an "all doing" hand and arm and will of course have only one hand and arm. Then they will will develop an "all moving" leg and foot so they can hop around on an all-moving leg.
Yes, I have this vision now of a cylcopian one-eyed Elohiym hoping around on one arm and leg; free, free at last from the curse of duality! :)
Sorry for the levity, but this is one of those things you have come up with that just doesn't "register" with me - at least not precisely as you have stated it.
Instead of moving toward one arm and one leg the evolution is toward formlessness or circular cells of energy. It is obvious that in the physical world one arm and one leg would be a handicap. One limb would also be a handicap in beauty as all things move toward the beautiful as well as the useful. One all-seeing eye would give all the usefulness needed. Because humanity has not seen such a being they cannot judge it's beauty for it is nothing like the fairly grotesque forms of movie fame.
As in all things I teach all are free to accept or reject, but I will add this for the logical mind. Nature has experimented with all forms, probably even one legged ones. It keeps the ones that works and discards the ones that do not work. If there is such a thing as an all-seeing eye that is also a thing of beauty then we would not need two of them. Therefore, logic dictates that this form would be kept by those who are attracted to it and find it useful.
Those of us who want to keep our present form indefinitely will be able to do so as long as physical reality is conducive to it. However, as soon as a new form comes along that is more useful all intelligence begins to gravitate toward it.
The next race, the sixth will not experience a great change in form but will be a synthesis of all races and the beauty of the individual will be refined. The change is more in consciousness than the physical form excepting that the majority will be beautiful.
The seventh race on this (and previous planets) will see a significant physical changes toward the divine hermaphrodite. This race, we are told, will be like Gods in comparison to the powers we have today.
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