2005-7-7 19:40:00
Randall writes:Everything in creation is symbolic.
Today's news: Underground bomb blasts occur in London tunnel between Kings Cross Underground and Russell Square. Another bomb on a double-decker bus outside of Tavistock Hotel.
It's blamed on Al Queda Europe.
Al Queda Europe claims responsibility. No one in authority has blamed anyone yet. There are only suspects. Obviously Moslem extremists are the logical suspects.
The symbols tell you who is behind it.
Trying to get the truth through literal symbols such as this is like attempting to foretell the future with them. There may be threads of truth but all prognosticators using such means are always wrong.
Even so, lets play along.
Underground (symbol for hidden, secret)
No argument there. All terrorists operate underground.
Kings Cross (The rulers, both king and cross are symbols of establishment, i.e. state and church)
Sounds good except you are interpreting upside down from reality. It was the church and state of the free world that was attacked, not the one doing the attacking.
The law of analogy reveals the opposite of what you say and would indicate that England and the Christian Church were victims of attack rather than the one doing the attacking.
Russell Square (Russell Trust is another name for the infamous Skull and Bones Society of which three generations of Bushes are members; Square is a well-known symbolic motif of secret societies like freemasonry)
The instigators of the attack surely want to destroy George Bush. The United States was founded by Masons which incorporated freedom within the Constitution. This country and what it stands for is indeed in the crosshairs of the terrorists.
Double-decker bus (as a public conveyance, bus symbolizes the masses, that is the way they go (believe/live); double decker symbolizes layers of meaning).
Two groups of people in their crosshairs are the Christian Church and free society that even allows the common man (riders of the bus) freedom of thought and action.
Tavistock Hotel (hotel is a rented place for the public to live/sleep; Tavistock is connected to the infamous Tavistock Institute of Human Relations at Oxford... cf:
Why pick on the Tavistock motel for symbology? The bus was also close to Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden and Leicester Square / Theatreland.
To say this implicates Tavistock Institute is a stretch.
What do the symbols say? That the enemy is within the gates.
I do not see this at all. All references you give to support this was what was attacked, NOT who was doing the attacking.
This was orchestrated by those leading Britain and the US governments.
And your evidence is??? A flawed analogy? Not much to go on.
Why? Because crisis brings opportunity and by manufacturing crisis, you achieve agendas that otherwise could not happen. Al Queda Europe are the ruling elite, not poor camel-jockeys.
This is always the explanation of those who see conspiracy under every rock. In 40 years of following conspiracy theory I have seen this explanation again and again yet never any proof and very little logic.
While we vainly search for an enemy without, the real enemy is within.
I actually agree with this, except I see the enemy within in a different light. The enemy without has been identified and the true enemy within obfuscates the truth to the extent the true threat is diminished, obscured, neutralized so about 40% of the people are looking for the enemy where he doesn't exist. This allows the true enemy much for freedom to expand and plot for the destruction of civilization.
United we stand, divided we fall.
Two and two continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five. James Abbott McNeill Whistler
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