2005-7-6 04:53:00
Part 18
JJ: Let's repeat from earlier and raise our vibrations up and we'll do some different things then a little later we'll talk about the Gathering of Lights, which is a fascinating subject. Follow me in the Oms again. OOOMMMMMMMMMMM OOOMMMMMMMMMMMM OOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM Remember the OM destroys anything negative in your path. Negativity cannot withstand the sound of the true OM. Visualize yourself being lifted up. OOOMMMMMMMMMMMM That's harder after a meal isn't it? I think we all felt lighter the first time, didn't we? I think we'll talk about the Gathering of Lights now then later after our meal is digested we'll do more spiritual work.f
Does anyone know which subject of the Bible is covered more often than any other subject? It's the gathering. Have any of you ever heard a sermon in church or on TV by anybody on the Gathering of Lights or the Gathering of Israel? You never hear about it, do you? Yet it's talked about more than any other subject.
Near the end of Jesus' life He went outside of Jerusalem and it says He wept. It says He said these words, "Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would I have gathered thee together as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings but ye would not. And because ye would not gather your house will be left until you desolate." So, right near the end of Jesus' mission He goes outside of Jerusalem and He weeps because He says He attempted to gather Israel and they would not gather and He wept over that. This is something you'll never hear a sermon about because people do not understand the Gathering. One of the scriptures calls the Gathering a mystery. Why do you suppose it's called a mystery? Is it perhaps called a mystery because nobody understands what it is or the principle behind it?
In the history of the scriptures we have several attempted Gatherings. The first Gathering that we know of was not too successful. It tells us that a person named Noah attempted to gather people into an ark. How many came into the ark? Just his family because he was feeding them plus the different types of animals he captured and took inside. But no one voluntarily came and gathered with Noah. What's the second Gathering that was somewhat successful?
Audience: The tower of Babel?
JJ: That was kind of a gathering but it was more of dispersion. They gathered to build the tower and when they gathered to build it the scripture says, "Now that they are of one tongue as they have gathered to build the tower, there is nothing that is beyond their ability to do." That's an interesting statement, isn't it? There was nothing they could not do. What did they want to do? They wanted to build a tower to reach Heaven.
There are a lot of interpretations on that. Some people think it was some type of space ship that they were going to send off and God didn't want them to go into space. Others think it was just a great big tower. It's symbolic of a lot of things. The interesting part is the voice of God as recorded as saying there that there is nothing that these people can't do because they are of one tongue and one mind. Being in that state of mind they can do almost anything.
There are legends that say God was looking over man and man becomes too powerful every now and then so they need to be whittled down to size so they do not challenge the power of the gods. The story says the gods are actually jealous of man because man is becoming too powerful and man will eventually dethrone God and become gods themselves. These are some of the legends that are in our history. It sounds somewhat like that in the Tower of Babel in the fact that God looks down and says, "Man these guys are becoming too powerful. I need to give every man a different language so they can't understand each other then they'll disperse and be powerless."
What's the major Gathering in the Old Testament? Moses. Moses gathered the greatest lights out of Egypt, the people who had the concept of one God. Everybody thinks he gathered slaves but he gathered more than slaves. The slaves weren't just pure Hebrew blood. That's the way it's portrayed and hinted at in the scriptures but the scriptures also tell us that Moses was in one place and the Hebrews were descended from different type of racial stock, not just Abraham alone. The ones who were called the Hebrew slaves weren't pure descendants from Jacob but they were a composite of people who were put into slavery. Moses freed these people and he gathered them out. The people who gathered out and followed Moses were basically people who understood something that was a step higher than what had been understood by the general Egyptians. That was that there was one God that was to be worshipped. The idea behind the Gathering of Israel was to produce something higher than man had ever seen before.
Djwhal Khul talks about this through Alice A Bailey. He says in the Gathering of Israel that Israel is representative of the human race as a whole. The purpose behind it was to gather them out, raise their consciousness higher so that they could stimulate the evolution of the whole planet. He said it was a failure to a degree. Instead of looking upon themselves as representative of what other people should be, those who were gathered out looked upon themselves as unique and special and separate from everyone else. This caused the grand experiment to be less successful than the Hierarchy had hoped.
I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow. Woodrow Wilson (1856 - 1924)
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