2005-6-21 05:39:00
Lorraine points out one the few areas of disagreement with me.
The thing I disagree with that has absolutely no consequence whatsoever is that by the time a person is 21 they have relived all the previous life's lessons. I think this process goes until it is finished. I believe a person could be 30 and still trying to get through all the past life lesson. I believe you go until you get caught up then start on this life's lesson. Small and inconsequential point because the principle remains the same.
Actually many disagreements between friends and seekers can often be ironed out with a little additional communication.
When a person is 21 he hasn't gone through all the life lessons of his past lives. This would be impossible as he has too many experiences in his past to condense in such a short period. Instead, what he does accomplish is a retrieval of the basic level of intelligence that he ascended to in his last life. He will repeat his long evolution of intelligence in miniature, but this will not be accomplished by reliving past experiences.
Actually, this teaching did not originate with me but with DK. I have contemplated the principle and observed it working out in my life and others and believe it to be quite accurate.
I can see that in my life that my basic intelligence grew quite quickly until the age of 21 and then the growth was very slow. I have also noticed this in the lives of many people I have observed.
Now some may point to what they believe to be a great transformation at another age such as 25, 30, 40 etc, but this has little to do with intelligence.
I had a great transformation around the age of 28, but my basic intelligence was not much different then than when I was 21.
Intelligence has more to do with taking advantage of the highest vision you have in the present time.
This teaching also harmonizes with the following scripture:
"Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection (the next life)." D&C 130:18
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