Higher and Lower Feelings

2005-6-5 03:10:00

Zevon writes:

One of the things that attracts me to JJ Dewey's writings is that he explicitly doesn't rely on emotion as a basis for establishing what is or is not true. Indeed, if I understand correctly, JJ Dewey distrusts emotion as being not only unreliable, but more likely to be false that true. This has been my experience - nothing has deceived me more often and more destructively than my feelings have, so I now routinely reject them.

When I read the descriptions of how to recognize "Soul Contact" (perhaps the ultimate ratifier of truth in JJ Dewey's system), unfortunately it sounds an awful lot like, "Trust your feelings, Luke". The impression I get is that Soul Contact is recognized as a mystically powerful but impersonal feeling that something is true. This sounds very much like what other systems call the Holy Spirit, or Intuition, or Divine Revelation, or communing with your higher self, or vision questing, or something like that. All of which I have explored and found to be unreliable.

How do you tell a "feeling" from an "emotion", or can you?

What differentiates Soul Contact from other ways of discerning truth based on feelings?

How can you tell Soul Contact apart from all the false emotions and feelings that come along?

Great questions Zevon and welcome to the list. Soul contact, the Holy Spirit, intuition, divine revelation and the Higher Self are all related in that soul contact is the door that opens the consciousness to all higher contact.

Here is the problem. Soul contact does produce a variety of feelings from the still small voice, which is almost imperceptible at first, to a spiritual fire which is overwhelming.

On the other hand, the lower emotions also produce a variety of feelings. Some of these are also almost imperceptible and some are very powerful to the extent of being overwhelming.

There are a number of differences between the two, however, the main one being that the intuitive or Buddhic plane where the soul takes us is a much higher vibration and much closer to the heart of God in vibration than is the emotional or astral plane.

The astral plane is a reflection of the Buddhic, as if in a mirror, where all things are a reverse reflection and seen as a distortion of reality. On the other hand, those who see and feel through the eyes of the soul see as correctly as is possible to put into human communication.

Those who see through astral or lower feelings do not see anything with correct vision and have error in every communication of that which they perceive.

The basic problem you relate occurs when a seeker attempts to follow the spiritual path yet has not made soul contact. In this case, the highest he can feel will be the astral world and many mistakes and untrue perceptions will he make.

The astral feelings have seven levels and the highest will seem very spiritual to many and the seeker will often assume he has found the final heart of God, Jesus or Krishna when he has tuned in to them.

In fact, one of the signs that the seeker is still stuck in the astral will be a feeling by him that he has either reached the ultimate or close to it.

The person who has not yet achieved soul contact will not know the difference between the two feelings. However, if he is honest with himself and seeks guidance from within he will sense a knowing that a higher contact exists and it is his destiny to find it.

When soul contact is achieved then new vistas of feelings will open up and the differences between higher and lower feelings will become clear.

There is a core difference between soul and astral contact. The astral contacts are rarely fully understood by the seeker and usually lead to dead end and error. They are the bottomless pit I talked about in my previous post.

On the other hand, contacts through the soul is always accompanied or followed by understanding. Intuitive knowledge through soul contact is always accompanied by understanding. Often the understanding will be so complete that the seeker can write a book on that which is revealed in one flash.

There are times when a Master may reach a disciple through soul contact and a full understanding will not be immediate, but if the instruction is followed understanding will come sooner or later.

The principle is basically this. Lower feelings are below mind in vibration and are not accompanied by knowledge and understanding. They lead into experience, but not accurate knowledge.

The higher feelings of the soul are higher than mind, encompass all the qualities of mind and give mind higher understanding.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions.

Luke Skywalker: "I don't believe it!" Yoda: "That is why you fail."