2005-5-7 11:00:00
In the past I have spent considerable time highlighting the group's response to the various assignments. This is rather awkward for me to do with the Book of Revelation for this reason.
When I write and interpret the verses I put everything out of my mind except the verses themselves and then interpret them from what comes to me through the Oneness Principle as accurately as I can perceive it.
This process has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is this allows me to present to you the purest interpretation of which I am capable. The disadvantage is that it is awkward to highlight some very good thinking and perception on the part of the members.
Even so I thought I would give a few highlights of the interpretations of the group before I present mine. And I do not know what mine will be until I write them. I am personally having a good time seeing this revelation unfold as we move along.
Member interpretations:
"These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
If *these* are entities from past lives, other planets etc etc, and as we are ALL ONE in the one body of God, then they are US from our past lives who have already been through great tribulations on other planets etc, (and now have come to Earth to continue our great tribulation here in this body of matter), through our many lifetimes of incarnations and tests via the Christ within.
"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat."
These multitudes of *conscious entities* existing as consciousness neither thirst nor need the artificial sun light or heat from the lower Sun, because they bask in the Son of the Christ.
".......living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
The living fountains of waters (Christ or soul consciousness) and God shall wipe away all tears(water/sub consciousness) from their eyes, because they are One once again with themselves...
The great tribulation is the dark night of the soul and breaking of the seals, and it washes you off all impurities for error can not be held on to in the light. And the elders are they who went before us and thus there they are standing before the throne of God serving him day and night.
And they shall never want or be without comfort and the waters have been purified and the tears of loss will healed.
And the multitude are those who will come after us, the 100th monkey. 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 ...
Blayne (only a few words, but very good):
Once the sixth seal is open or God is the on the throne within the temple (disciple) then they see things as they really are and are not swayed by all the cyclic emotional currents that characterize the physical plane. They are not chasing after lower desires and emotional thoughtforms etc. Hence they hunger and thirst no more they are in control and know they have an unlimited supply of spiritual food and water (living waters or Life essence) and have found the source of light and need no sun symbolizing borrowed light or light outside themselves, they are the light so to speak.
It seems that once that sixth seal is open then they are off of the wheel of reincarnation and no longer need to be in the worlds of form: they are no longer hungry or thirsty and they are beyond the sun. It sounds like they are now beyond their solar angel in the monadic realms.
Next verses to consider:
And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? Rev 7:13
This is the true joy in life -- being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
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