2005-5-4 05:55:00
Johann writes:
Yes but it does not chance the fact the we go through 13 signs and who knows for how long we have been doing that. The Ancient of Days during the time of Lemuria allowed a tainted/reflected energy to come into this system and that energy was meant for activation of the mind if I remember correctly. That Activation was premature, a big mistake. Now does that mean that there is no incoming energy from Ophiuchus?
What tainted energy was this? Why do you think the activation was premature?
As I said the current system works well when dealing with the personality because of thousands of years of thought energy which has been poured into it. It is true that we pick up energy from the various signs of the zodiac, but these energies receive an adjustment when poured through the general thought form of humanity when they reach the earth. The energy of the constellation of Ophiuchus which is strong from November 30 to December 17 is filtered through humanity's thought form of Sagittarius.
Even though we could technically recreate a zodiac with 13 signs such is not likely in the near future because of the significance of the number twelve - signifying completion..
By the way DK says that in ancient times astrologers used only 10 signs.
What is the best system for the houses as opposed to another's in your opinion and why if I may?
I use the Placidus not because it is the most technically accurate but because it is the most widely used and has the most energy of thought associated with it. If I had to switch I would probably use the Koch system
Thought forms? You lost me in a way, completely, there. I take it that these thought forms are the combined expressed will of humanity in thought. Thoughts that are floating around and carry impact power.
So if we believe (collectively) that we are Sags or something else we are because of the collective will projected?
The ancient principle is this. Energy follows thought. If everyone thought of themselves as Sagittarius personalities then they would draw that energy to them selves in proportion to the power of their thought.
Group thought is much more powerful than individual thought and the current zodiac has much of its power because of the number of individuals pouring thought into it.
And the higher lives mold the incoming energy based on that, at least in part?
And then is the third factor of pure energy coming into the system.
What gets me lost is the scales between those three factors and if it is mainly based on thought forms for crying out loud then how can we set this up in any kind of an objective system that can be treated as a science?
Thought forms themselves are a science known to the Hierarchy. When the power of thought is factored in with other energies a high degree of accuracy can be available.
The gradual fading out of thought forms? How is that monitored accurately? Isn't humanity just creating it's own map of the country?
You lost me.
And you lost me. The power of thought forms continues eternally. The earth and the universe itself is a powerful concretized thought form.
What are the correct techniques when dealing with the personality? The false guaranties the true and this system we are using now is false. Can you point us in the right direction?
The current system works pretty good for those centered in the personality. DK gave many hints about soul astrology in his book Esoteric Astrology. Exact details are not yet given out but will be some day.
We have the names for the twelve tribes, an extra name has been added as a substitute. If it is not an alias then the question is what is Manassas if not a tribe?
Manasses is the son of Joseph and a member of the tribe of Joseph. John made him a substitute for Dan giving Joseph the prophesied "double portion."
So there is no base or central tribe we belong to, I am talking about the monad here and the one life when it reflected itself perhaps into twelve tribes.
The monad is on one of the three primary rays for the duration of life on earth. There are five billion on ray one and 35 billion on ray two. Then there are 20 billion who are leftovers from the previous solar system who are on ray three.
It is the personality and the ego which are associated with the characteristics of the tribes and the signs of the zodiac.
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