2005-4-29 05:56:00
Brian writes:
"'Papyrus Reveals New Clues to Ancient World'
"Turns out "666" may not be the number of the Beast after all -- an older version of the Book of Revelation that is among the many Oxyrhynchus Papyri currently being translated has the number at 616 . Oops. (Ironically enough, a flip through 777 only has one entry for that number, an allusion to the Ten Commandments.)"
It is interesting that either 616 or 666 would be appropriate numbers for the Beast. Today Ruth quoted a previous writing of mine on the 666 which read:
"Thus we finally arrive at the core meaning of the number of the Beast, the 666. In plain English it stands for the control through the Sixth Ray Solar Plexus Center over the three basic worlds of livingness for mankind. (1) Control over The Physical (first 6) Control over the Emotional (second 6) and control over the Mental by negation (the third 6. All three of these parts of our nature have been controlled in most of us by the Sixth Ray of idealism by the Beast."
On the other hand, 616 is also quite fitting. 6+1+6 = 13 -- the number of a witches' coven and also the number of the twelve apostles plus Jesus.
But, after the resurrection there remained only the twelve apostles guided by the invisible Christ. Then, after the church became corrupted with the authority of the Beast, the 13th member, the invisible Christ, manifested as a visible Antichrist, an infallible church leader representing the unearned authority of the Beast.
This has been the case now for almost 2000 years. Most churches are lead by a powerful person representing the authority of the voice of God which is really "he who, as God, sits in the temple of God and shows himself to be God."
6+1+6 would have a similar meaning as mentioned in the above quote with the emotional self being governed by the will instead of feeling. The Beast distorts the Will of God to the will of man substituting it for the Divine Will.
Either one of these numbers is fitting for The Beast and it is quite possible they were used interchangeably.
"War is the continuation of politics by other means."
-- General Karl Von Clausewitz, Book: "On War"
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