2005-4-28 00:20:00
Duke writes:
It strikes me that time is the one thing working against what JJ is trying to do. Namely, the time he has to spend making a living detracts directly from the time he can devote to the work he is called to. It seems to me that if JJ's time could be freed up somewhat, we would all benefit. I'm amazed at how much he manages to do as it is.
Thanks Duke and others for wanting to help. It is true that my business that pays the bills takes a lot of my time and when I am able to put it aside I will have a lot more time for the work.
The leap cannot be very incremental for as long as I need it to pay the bills I have to take care of customers and business that comes in. I have to get book sales up to the point where I can make a living through sales and seminars. Until that time comes I need to keep the business going.
We do not have any non profit set up so any donations are not tax deductible and we count them as income. One thing I have recommended for those who wish to help is to buy copies of the books and distribute them. When we sell them to our distributors we have to discount 55% and pay shipping which is another 5%. So when we make a direct sale we make a lot more profit, plus the sale often leads to other sales.
Therefore, for those who wish to help we recommend that you buy the books and distribute them to friends, libraries, prisons etc. When our sales reach a certain level then we can make the leap to full time service.
Another thing members can do to help is to get free Book Ones (booklet format) from us and give them out. We send them out free to anyone committed to distributing them.
We'll also have Book 4 out soon so that will help the momentum.
Your Fellow Servant,
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved