2005-4-26 05:24:00
Rob writes:
Hooray! The chapters continueth! Thank you!
P.S.--Re the gathering: I'm going to be making my own accommodations for the gathering. I understand the cost for me will then only be $100 for the conference. Is it ok if I bring it with to give to you? I've been saving my money for attending, but it's going to be a close call as to whether I'll have enough in time. I don't want to commit to anything if it turns out I won't have enough to go. Thanks.
If you get your own lodging all you need to do is show up. We have a pretty large meeting room so we should have plenty of room there. Just to make sure though we would appreciate everyone who does plan to attend to let us now in advance so we can get an idea of the numbers who will be there.
On the other hand, if you do wish to use our reserved lodgings you do need to register and let us know as soon as possible. The gathering will be in Sun Valley Idaho for 4 days and 4 nights and the total cost including lodging is $299.50 for one person or $560 for couples. We have just about filled up the condos we reserved and will check to see if we can get more.
If you get your own lodgings the cost is $100.00 for the four days.
For more complete details go to www.freeread.com
Nirvana writes:
JJ it's a bit of a stretch don't you think ...
"In the dens and in the rocks of the mountains"
that doesn't sound like a symbolic meaning of consciousness...
The word "dens" comes from the Greek SPELAION which literally means "cavern" or "cave." The word can by implication mean a "hiding place." The interpretation that a cave corresponds to a hidden state of consciousness is not new but has been used from ancient times making the interpretation I gave here not that big of a stretch.
It is really not that hard to make up your own version of writings like that bible. Everyone has an opinion.
For one thing I just do not "make up" my version. I attempt to tune in to the soul and interpret from the vantage point of the Oneness Principle so it will speak to the soul of others. In doing this we have unveiled some aspects that have been hidden for 2000 years.
Some here feel the truth of what I have written because of registration through their own souls. They may not have spoken this but I can sense it.
Every inspired writing has several interpretations which are applicable, but hundreds which are not. If you think it is easy to find one that is in harmony with the Law of Correspondences then by all means put it forward for the benefit of the group.
Copyright © 2005 by J J Dewey, All Rights Reserved