2005-4-19 04:57:00
Sterling writes:
This does not set as true in my detectometer. It certainly does not coincide with the vast body of NDE experience records available, which show an existence so "alive" that some call this physical existence but a side show.
Actually, I do not see where this contradicts anything I have said about the afterlife. People feel pretty alive in the astral zone, especially in the higher realms of it. It basically fulfills all the ordinary man's dreams of heaven.
If I have said anything specific that sounds in error feel free to let me know.
Ruth writes:
When the Molecular Relationship is eventually established, wouldn't those within that relationship/group agree 100% with your teachings etc, because of a definite Soul Contact and Oneness Principle perception and agreement via the Soul, and hence would assist the entire molecular structure?
Let us assume that we have a successful Molecule where the group shares soul energy to the extent that spiritual flow is unhindered. Does everyone agree 100%?
The agreement necessary for the group will be concerning the purpose and direction of the group. Each individual will maintain his own opinions and biases, but when it comes to decisions that move the group forward agreement will be essential to maintain the spiritual flow.
Let us suppose that Jim believes there is life on Mars and Russ does not. For the purpose of the Molecule it doesn't matter who is right and there is no great need to seek unity on this.
On the other hand, if there was a division on the understanding of the purpose of the Molecule, or some plan of action, this could lead to a restriction to the spiritual flow and something such as this should be resolved by seeking soul contact as a group to confirm the truth of the matter. It is by far easier to do this in person than over the internet.
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status. Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey