2005-4-1 17:50:00
Nirvana_starseed writes:
There is truth in the statement of Solomon that "there is nothing new under the sun," but it is not literally true
Well is it true or isn't it JJ? Can't have it both ways..... I know your beliefs with this statement collide; I can see it in the way you write.
I am not trying to have it both ways and my beliefs do not collide here.
What I said was comparable to saying there is truth in the statement "an atom is like a solar system," but it is not literally a solar system." Or, there is truth in the statement "an airplane is like a bird, but it is not literally a bird."
Even so there is truth in the statement that "there is nothing new under the sun." And what is that truth?
It is true that history repeats many elements of itself so that no matter what happens there are some similarities to what has happened in the past.
The United States, for instance, has many similarities to ancient Rome and even more ancient Atlantis. Some look at the similarities and think there is nothing new going on because certain elements have repeated.
But not all elements have repeated. There is a forward cycle to all evolution and within this forward cycle there are certain elements that are totally new and never been externalized before.
Every new entity that comes to the earth is like any other entity in many ways, but in other ways it is new and unique, different than any other living thing in the universe.
Thus there is truth in Solomon's truism, but there is also truth in the use of KAINOS in Revelation, or new things that have never before exactly been.
These two gleanings of truth from seemingly contradictory scriptures highlight two statements from DK.
The truth is true and nothing else is true. A Course in Miracles
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey