2005-2-24 04:59:00
Ruth writes:
I didn't know that bad weather is stimulated by stormy astral emotions. So when a city has really bad stormy weather, that is because the astral emotions of most people in the city are also stormy, and is this cyclic also?
Just as good health and ill health have several influences causing them so does the weather. Here are several causes of various weather conditions.
(1) The standard ones recognized by scientists.
A few of them are:
The second main reason is not recognized by standard science which is:
(2) the influence of human thought and emotion.
Human energy is, at present, not the prime cause of weather, but it is an influence and this influence is much larger than most spiritual students realize. When humanity realizes their influence and the powers they have then damage from storms will come under much greater control of the human race and damage from such will be minimized.
The effect of human thought and emotion is often externalized through symbols manifested in our physical reality. Let us look at a few. Let us look at a few climate anomalies. Most prominent at this time are the floods and record precipitation in the Hollywood/Los Angeles area. What does the symbolism teach us in this instance?
Water represents emotion and an overwhelming amount of water tells us that this area has been experiencing a flood of emotion.
Now the question is this: Is it positive or negative emotion? To determine this let us look at the effects. The effects are negative for many people are loosing their homes and everything that is dear to them. Even those who have not lost their homes are downcast and depressed and are worrying about the future.
What has happened in the Hollywood/Los Angeles area that corresponds to this?
Answer: The Hollywood/Los Angeles area was extremely anti Bush and most there really felt that Kerry would win the election. When Bush won, the vast majority in that area felt very downcast and experienced very negative and overwhelming emotions. Some even went for therapy over their feelings. Just like many who experienced irreparable damage to their homes those who felt overwhelming emotion over the election of Bush felt like they lost everything and were very worried about their future.
Now let us look at other areas where we have had large amounts of moisture since the election. From Canada came record snowstorms that covered Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and the Northeast. Hardest hit was Massachusetts. What's significant about these states and Canada? They are all blue states that voted for Kerry and Canada has been very chilly toward Bush. What's extra significance about Massachusetts? It's Kerry's home state, often seen as the most Democratic state in the country.
Interestingly, what is the most Republican state in the Country?
Idaho. And the interesting thing is we have the opposite problem and have had a record lack of snow. It's been like spring and summer all year long here.
What then is the symbology behind record snowfalls in the blue states? Since snow is composed of water it is much the same as the problem in Los Angeles. The fact that it materialized as snow adds a chill factor to their emotional feelings about Bush. The folks in the Northeast are experiencing more of an emotional chill than depression over the Republican victory.
What other part of the world suffered depression over water? The most famous in years was the recent Tsunami caused by an earthquake in Indonesia.
The earthquake came first. What does this symbolize?
An earthquake tears apart the very foundation under our feet. This symbolizes that people are too set in their ways and need to have their foundations shattered and replaced. In this case the earthquake was followed by an overwhelming wave of destruction and death.
The great wave shows that the people have strong emotional feelings against change and when it comes it seems as bad as death.
Now most of the people affected were Moslems very set in their ways. Many in that area see any change in their way of living or civilization as shattering the foundation upon which they stand and would rather die than to face the resulting changes.
Who else has had earthquakes lately?
Iran has had two of powerful ones within a few months. The leaders there have been very resistant to changes, but many young people have been hoping for change and even hoping the United States would intervene. Consequently, nature intervened and has shaken the foundation of that country, especially when western nations came in to offer disaster aid.
If the Workers for the Light are gathered out on the seas, but are still affected by the astral/emotional consciousness of the whole, which in turn affects the weather everywhere, (unless its segregated to its own sections of astral consciousness around the World), then how are these workers more protected than the rest of the World, unless of course, Mother Earth also controls the weather and can >protect these people living on the sea in these cities......??
If the gathered people are not above average in controlling their emotions then they will have no more protection than anyone else.
Do you see such a city happening in say, our (as in all of us here on the keys) lifetime?
The gathering with intent to build cities should be underway within 25 years, but hopefully sooner. Many alive now will be reborn at a future time to see the full benefits of the Gathering.
Will there be an ice-age because of the astral emotions of humanity? I
The ice age is mostly due to cycles within the earth, but the timing of its beginning is influenced by human thought and emotion. There will be some unusual changes and earth events over the next few decades but the big earth changes are over 100 years in the future.
Destructive weather we have not discussed has been hurricanes. What does the symbolism behind these reveal? What does it mean that some areas get them periodically and others do not?
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey