2005-2-18 06:25:00
As the people in the churches begin to think for themselves and use logic and reasoning which teachings will they reject?
Which ones will they continue to embrace?
Robin gave some good answers to this:
-The idea of dying and ending up in a place of torment and fire for eternity.
-The idea that your religion/belief system is the only right one and everyone else will be condemned to hell.
-The idea that the Bible is the pure, unadulterated Word of God and should be read and believed literally.
-The idea that there are no truths in other religions and their holy books--it's my religion and the Bible that matter. Nothing else.
Arit added some good things:
As the people in the churches begin to use logic and reasoning, they'll no longer interpret the bible literally. For example, the bible quotes Jesus Christ as saying "I am the way, the truth and the light, no man cometh to the Father except by me." Christians belief this to such an extent that every other religion is of the "devil" and so believers of such religions are doomed to hell because the bible says Christ is the way so Mohammed, Buddha, and the rest are lesser prophets who cannot lead mankind anyplace other than hell. Logic and reasoning will make them seek to know what others like Buddha taught and like me will come to the realization that God has representatives other than Christ who lead mankind in the path of light if only we'll be open to receive that light.
They'll also reject the belief in one incarnation - "It is appointed for man once to die and after, judgement."
Moslem fundamentalists will gradually cease to kill unnecessarily when they realize such acts do not lead them to "heaven.
"People will embrace the teachings on love in every religion and thus lay the foundation for right human relations.
Good comments both of you. A lot could be added to this list, but I will limit myself to several comments.
This black and white literal interpretation of the scriptures that Arit mentioned is particularly harmful. It is as DK teaches that evil is a distortion of a divine idea or a thing that we would normally call good.
The scriptures of the world have divine ideas and are seen as good writings, but a misapplication of them can be the cause of much evil. In fact this is the cause of perhaps the greatest evil we face in this age which is terrorism. Most of these terrorists sincerely study their scriptures and take admonitions that were meant for another age and strictly apply them to our time. This just does not work. "The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" is one scripture that perhaps we ought to take literally.
A too literal interpretation not only leads to harmful actions, but also to illusionary thought that must be dispelled. Here are a few.
Ancient man believed that the earth was the center of the universe and even the sun circles around it. This illusion has not been completely dispelled for many still believe this to an extent. Many religious people believe that earth is the only planet with life.
Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Savior of the whole universe. Logic will eventually sway religious thinking toward the idea that many worlds are inhabited and others with human life have messiahs of their own.
Many religious as well as new age people believe the earth is the most important planet in the galaxy or universe. Reason will eventually lead them to conclude that our planet is no more important in the galaxy than we as individuals are in relation to the whole earth.
The idea that the earth or the Universe is 6-10,000 years old will be dropped and replaced with the best scientific estimates.
Being too judgmental in a negative sense will be replaced with right human relations governed by empathy.
The idea that we turn all things over to God will be replaced with a greater sense of self responsibility will at the same time reaching a higher spiritual contact.
The outer authority of God will be replaced by the inner authority of the God within.
Judging evil because words used are not spiritually or politically correct will be replaced with judging good or evil by whether it really produces good or harm.
In the last DK segment I posted he was talking about the concepts that will be kept in the new age. In the post after this I will post a continuation of this.
The greatest potential for control exists at the point where action takes place. Louis A. Allen
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey