2005-2-13 04:44:00
Thanks for your account of your travels Sharon. I'm glad to hear that seekers are on the increase in Russia. DK made a prediction that a great new religion would come out of Russia which would imply a great increase in spiritual intensity sometime in the near future. I have felt an increase in spiritual invocation there since the fall of the Soviet empire.
John C wrote:
"You used the standards of revival in this country as: belief in God, belief in the afterlife, belief in miracles.
"There is nothing spiritual about mere belief which does not lead to knowledge and demonstrated spirituality which plays out in the real world."
I was not saying there was a spiritual revival in this or any other country. World wide there seems to be a steadily growing interest in true spiritual values, but I don't know if I would say there is a true spiritual revival anywhere.
I did indicate that belief in God, the afterlife, miracles etc is an indication that a nation has spiritual values. I did not say that belief alone is an indication of high spiritual evolution.
Even though belief is not the be-all end-all, it is an important first step. Who is there without a belief in God who has spearheaded a spiritual revolution or innovative teaching that has helped humanity? Who is there that has not believed in miracles that has done the miraculous? Or who is there that does not believe in life after death who seeks to live to experience a joyous future many years hence?
Even though belief alone does not make a spiritual person it is one of the ingredients. There is far too much doubt in the world and too many are expecting negative things to happen to humanity as well as themselves, rather than the good.
Most of the comment made in my last post of the Reappearance were pretty self explanatory. There was one more statement of interest I will emphasize however:
There is, however, no point in attacking Christianity. Christianity cannot be attacked; it is an expression-in essence, if not yet entirely factual-of the love of God, immanent in His created universe. Churchianity has, however, laid itself wide open to attack, and the mass of thinking people are aware of this; unfortunately, these thinking people are still a small minority. Nevertheless, it is this thinking minority which (when it is a majority and it is today a rapidly growing one) will spell the doom of the churches and endorse the spread of the true teaching of the Christ.
In other words, he is saying that as people in the churches learn to think and use their logic they will reject Christianity as it is and begin to recognize the true teachings of Christ, or true Christianity.
As the people in the churches begin to think for themselves and use logic and reasoning which teachings will they reject?
Which ones will they continue to embrace?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey