2005-1-30 04:21:00
In the last reading assignment DK wrote:
"These ancient Mysteries were originally given to humanity by the Hierarchy and contain the entire clue to the evolutionary process, hidden in numbers, in ritual, in words and in symbology; these veil the secret of man's origin and destiny, picturing to him, in rite and ritual, the long, long path which he must tread, back into the light. They provide also (when rightly interpreted and correctly represented) the teaching which humanity needs in order to pass from darkness to Light, from the unreal to the Real and from death to Immortality. Any true Mason who understands, even if only to a slight degree, the significance of the three degrees of the Blue Lodge, and the implications of that in which he participates, will recognise the above three phrases for what they are, and will recognise the significance of the three degrees. I mention it here with Masonic purpose because it is closely related to the restoration of the Mysteries and has held the clue (down the ages) to that long awaited restoration, to the platform upon which the required teaching can be based and the structure which can express (when freed of its Jewish names and nomenclature, which are long out of date, though right three thousand years ago) the history of man's moving forward upon the Path of Return."
Here he makes an interesting statement that the nomenclature of the various mystery rites are outdated and need to be replaced by a new "platform" freed of old style religious dialog.
What do you suppose this new platform will be? What is needed today so that ceremonial magic will appeal to the masses?
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey