2005-1-25 05:05:00
The Question:
How does a knowledge of reincarnation lead to right human relations and "the solution of all the problems of humanity?"
Good answers on this. Thanks for your participation.
It is interesting that reincarnation is often associated with metaphysics, New Age Teachings, the paranormal etc. Thus to associate it with right human relations, a key to solving humanities problems may seem strange and out of place.
It even seems to be a huge error to many as some blame the belief in reincarnation on a number of evils and problems that plague mankind. Perhaps the main one is this belief: "If I have more lifetimes I have more chances to get things right so I can relax in this life and make mistakes and pay for them later."
Many Christians are reluctant to consider reincarnation because of this belief in its effect. They think it is much more effective to believe we only have one chance to get it right or we will suffer for all eternity. This puts the pressure on us work like crazy in this life and not fritter away our opportunities.
What do you think? Does the belief in reincarnation make us lazy about seriously moving ahead spiritually?
Does the belief in one life only have a positive effect spiritually?
We thought we were running away from the grown-ups, and now we are the grown-ups. Margaret Atwod
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey