2005-1-20 04:53:00
The Question:
Many have a black and white view that all submission to God is wrong and diminishes individuality, but here DK [Djwhal Khul] tells us there is a positive and negative submission or acquiescence.
What is the difference?
We've gotten some good responses. Here is a sample:
John C:
"Positive submission would be the recognition of and submission to the God within.
"Negative submission would be to consider oneself as separate from God -- that God is some outside entity controlling world events beyond our knowledge or control."
"Mankind's submission to the Divine Will is a negative one, because mankind does not, as yet, truly submit totally to the Divine Will, but rather submits to its own circumstances and to the authority of the Beast without and uses not the Will to do Good, or the Will of God, but rather Mankind uses the little *I* self-centred and selfish Will of persona.
"True submission as a positive attitude of spiritual expectancy, leading to positive acquiescence is the use of one's Will as both the Will of God and Soul infused persona combined with Faith."
John Z:
"Until our true desires become aligned with Christ's desires, the conflict will remain, as will the resulting negative submission... Some day (hopefully) we'll realize the joy in doing the 'will of the Father,' even as Christ found that joy."
"Positive submission = submission with grace. negative submission = submission without grace."
"Only a thinking choice or acquiescence to God's plan and purpose will pull us forward. Forcing others because WE know it is right will not work."
Many people look at the extremes of submission and decide to live their life as a law unto themselves submitting to no one and no thing.
The terrorists are a prime example of how to not submit. They submit to what they believe is divine will and end up killing, maiming, bombing and beheading all in the name of submission.
There is, of course, wrong submission in all religions including the Christian. The question is what makes the difference between positive or negative submission?
CG had the right idea when she stated that wrong submission is giving our will over to the beast. What does this mean?
It means that instead of submitting to God we are merely submitting to an outward authority who claims to speak for God. Therefore, this type or submission to God is an illusion that has nothing to do with God.
True submission to God comes when the disciple receives enough soul contact so he can receive accurate inner communications. True submission to God then begins when the seeker obeys the inner voice.
But wrong submission can again occur if that voice is generated from personal desire and not the soul.
Then again correct submission may have nothing to do with God. One may find a teacher who has proven himself adept in a certain field and submit to his tutoring because he is a proven authority.
For instance, it would be correct to submit oneself to a proven martial arts instructor to learn the art, but foolish to submit to one who has no expertise.
Below is the next section of Chapter Five. Read it over and give your comments and questions.
DK says:
"The doctrine or theory of reincarnation strikes the orthodox Christian with horror."
Why do you suppose this is the case and what can be done to assuage those fears?
Nirvana_starseed asks how the book is coming. Yes, I must finish the next chapter. I seem to have a lot on my plate lately, but I will make it a priority to get back on track. I may have to wind up skipping a few days posting here.
[Please read part Alice A. Bailey's "The Reappearance of the Christ," Chapter 5,] II. Christ Will Teach the Law of Rebirth.
"The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."
-- Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881)
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey