2005-1-19 04:51:00
Time to catch up on a few of my questions:
Why is purpose the absolute source of power?"
CG writes:
Purpose is the absolute source of power because it comes from the Will of God.... Without Purpose there is no Need or Desire to Become.
Good point. Let me put it this way.
Purpose is the originating point of power as it manifests in creation. Purpose is not the Plan, but the originating source and motivation behind the Plan.
When Purpose is perceived then power comes to the perceiver because Purpose creates power so it can prevail in all worlds.
When the disciple perceives purpose he then obtains a knowledge of what will be and if he decides to assist then power will come to him to manifest Purpose.
The time frame is not always know for Purpose exists outside of time and space. But when Purpose is clearly perceived power can manifest to compress time and hasten its manifestation.
Who do you think have been the three (or more) most significant teachers since the days of Jesus? Why?
John C gave a good list of additional teachers before Jesus and then said:
As for significant teachers since the time of Christ until now.... I don't know if we have had any who could measure up to the stature of Christ. As they say, he was a tough act to follow. I would have to put them all in the category of "minor teachers" rather than "cyclic teachers" because they haven't brought forth any radically new truths, but have done much to elucidate and expand upon teachings which have already been given out.
The interesting thing here is that the great men you mention were the ancient Greek philosophers. What was there about Greece that provided fertile ground for enlightened teachers to arise?
It was the freedom of expression that was allotted. Philosophers could teach without fear of persecution from their government during several periods of the history of Greece.
On the other hand, if we look at the history of civilization from Christ until the modern age we find that most of the time, during this Piscean era, teachers were often persecuted, jailed or killed for speaking their minds. Therefore, it is quite possible that an Aristotle, or Pericles could have been suppressed if they had been reborn during the past 2000 years.
In other words, it is quite possible that the great men of women of the history of the past 2000 years could have been greater if they had the freedom of the early Greek teachers.
So, who do I think were the great teachers since the days of Jesus?
There are many to choose from even though none are acknowledged by the public to be of Messiah caliber.
I think I need to divide my answer into two categories which I call Before Free Speech (BFS) and After Free Speech. (AFS)
To this I would add:
What luck for rulers that men do not think. Adolph Hitler
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey