2005-1-12 06:06:00
Sterling writes:
One of the primary faults I personally see in your perception of the world is that you do not buy in to the notion that there exists a well-orchestrated conspiracy to establish a world police state, in which Bush is a low-level puppet.
Jesus said:
"Ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake." Matt 10:22
"Ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." Matt 24:9
Who is the man most hated by all the world who openly proclaims a belief in Christ?
Why would a world wide conspiracy use a man hated by all the world to run the world?
They would not.
They would use a man or group loved by the world and not questioned and hated by the world, especially hated for an allegiance to Christ.
There are indeed conspirators who would like to establish a world tyranny but they hate Bush just as the North Koreans, Castro, Iranian rulers, all tyrants, the Communist Party, die hard socialists, anti capitalists, anti free enterprise, anti free trade, anti business, terrorists, religious fanatics, anti religious fanatics, and anti freedom people everywhere hate him.
If Christ were here would not his enemies be these same people?
Those involved in a conspiracy to dominate the world hate Bush as he is one of the few standing in the way of their progress.
History will prove I am correct.
Most people see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask, why not? Robert F. Kennedy
Copyright 2005 by J J Dewey