DK & Directed Purpose

2005-1-11 05:15:00

Assignment: Contemplate the new aspect of God that will be revealed in the near future. DK gives this the name - Principle of Directed Purpose.

Before I comment on this I thought I would gather quotes from DK where he uses this phrase. He may not have had the great mystery in mind each time he mentioned directed purpose, but his words are worthy of study in preparing the intuition to receive.

DK Quotes:

The first thing that must be done is to train the child in the correct use of the discriminating faculty and in the power of choice and of directed purpose. He must be brought to a truer understanding of the underlying purpose of being, and be led to work with wisdom in the field of creative activity, which means, in the last analysis, in the right use of the "mind stuff" (the chitta of Patanjali). Thus and only thus, can he be released from the control of his lower nature.

Finally the attribute of order, and the imposition of an established rhythm through the development of innate faculty to function under directed purpose and ritual. This particular attribute of divinity is now highly developed in one aspect, so that we have today much standardization of humanity, and the autocratic imposition of a ritualistic rhythm upon public life in a large number of countries. It can be seen to perfection in the life in our public schools-but it is an undesirable perfection. This is partly due to the recognition that the unit or individual is only a part of a greater whole (a recognition which is much needed) and a part of the evolutionary unfoldment of the race.

Because the three knowledge petals of the human egoic lotus are now racially unfolded (and when I use the word "racial" I mean the human family and not the Aryan race), it is now possible for the love petals to unfold. The energy flowing from the outer tier of petals has had a triple effect:

3. It will make possible, eventually, the vitalizing of the mind body by the will or sacrifice petals, and this will give awareness of the Plan, directed purpose, and group synthesis.

I cannot impress too strongly upon aspirants in all occult schools that the yoga for this transition period is the yoga of one-pointed intent, of directed purpose, of a constant practice of the Presence of God, and of ordered regular meditation carried forward systematically and steadily over years of effort.

In the human family another divine aspect is found functioning. which is that of the will, of directed purpose, of planned objective, and of intelligent design or plan. These qualities are inherent in man, and constitute an aspect of the divine mind not found actively present in the animal, as a rule.

Psychology can count definitely upon the innate ability of the human unit to understand the use of the creative imagination and the use of directed purpose, for it is found frequently even in children. The development of the sense of fantasy and the training of children to make choices (to the end that ordered purpose may emerge in their lives) will be two of the governing ideals of the new education.

This centre (head center) controls the pineal gland and consequently certain areas of the brain. Indirectly also, the vagus nerve is affected. Consciousness and life, sensitivity and directed purpose are the great energies which express themselves through this centre, for consciousness is a form of energy, as well you know, and life is energy itself.

Aries is, as might be expected, closely connected with the Great Bear but peculiarly so with one of the stars called The Pointers; these point to the Pole star which is at this time a major "star of direction." Direction, will, purpose and plan are all connected with the solar Logos and with His evolutionary undertakings in connection with the many lives manifesting in the vehicle of expression which we call the solar system. All these respond to the influences of the first ray which is, to all intents and purposes, the energy of divine embodied will, which has been esoterically described as "unavoidable directed purpose." Within our solar system, Vulcan and Pluto are expressions or custodians of this first ray energy and are, as I have told you, esoteric planets.

The Taurian influence must now be regarded as being of exceeding potency today, particularly from the angle of the subjective spiritual values; it is Taurus which is the ruler and the guiding influence of that which is occurring everywhere.

I would like here to call your attention to the fact that this sign is a synthetic sign in the sense that it brings expression of an inner urge of some definite nature upon the physical plane. This it does, because its basic quality demonstrates as desire in the mass of men and as will or directed purpose in the disciple or the initiate. It manifests as stubbornness in the average man (and this is literally willful adherence to personality aims) or as intelligently expressed will-actuated by the impulse of love-in the advanced man.

Later on, when the man is living upon the physical plane as the soul, he will himself-with full continuity of consciousness-carry out the processes if abstraction, and will then (with directed purpose) "ascend to the place from whence he came." This is the reflection in the three worlds of the divine ascension of the perfected Son of God.

War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford. Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975)