2004-12-27 05:57:00
CG asks:
(5) Special words and sounds which are recognized by devas and higher lives.
Did Jesus and the Disciples use such words to contact the Devas, who are the form builders and female aspect of God? Can anyone learn these words, or are they only passed onto Disciples? Will the World eventually be able to contact the Devas and do stuff with them?
Jesus used some of the key words, but he was so close to the Spirit that he was able to sense the sounds (both inner and outer) that would cause the devas to respond.
Some words of power are passed on and others are picked up after the disciple gains soul contact.
Would that be a selfish act or a selfless act to be able to manipulate the Devas through words of power for one's own use? Or can they only be contacted for higher purposes and to help God's plan? Can the dark side also contact Devas through the words of power?
The Dark Brothers use words of power to manipulate devas toward their own ends. The Brotherhood of Light uses them in service to the whole.
The devas who are on the involutionary arc are like living computer programs that will respond to key words, sounds and signs without regard as to whether they are good or evil.
(6) The OM and the AUM when sounded correctly.
How would one know when one uses these sounds correctly? Does something happen when the word is sounded correctly, and if so, what? Does one invoke the soul to a louder degree?
When it is sounded correctly the disciple tunes into the sound of the sacred word as being made by the soul itself. This tuning in is learned by degrees and the greater the harmony with the soul the greater will be the effect of sounding the word.
(7) Prayer
Does one have to pray really hard to get a response and keep knocking on that door, or can a prayer be simple and said only once for the higher lives to hear and respond?
Prayer has power when a point of tension is reached. If circumstances and contemplation have already created a point of tension then one prayer may do the job. If one uses prayer alone to create the point of tension then many prayers will be needed.
A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. Aesop (620 BC - 560 BC)
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey