Levels of Words
2004-12-24 07:00:00
What are Words of Power?
Actually, the truth of the matter is revealed in the phrase itself. A word (or words) of power are words that generate a response. In other words, these words have power to motivate, to initiate, to cause one build or destroy, to be set in motion or service.
There are several levels of words of power.
- The lowest are the advertising slogans that cause the masses to buy a product. "Where's the beef?" was a famous one. "The pause that refreshes" is another.
- Inspiring words that motivate. This category can range from a coach's lecture at half time to something like a famous quote - to a compliment that inspires a person to try harder or change direction.
- Eternal words. John C pointed this out, but let me add this. All eternal words are words of power but not all words of power are eternal words. Some words of power pass away and are meant to produce action for the short term. Eternal words are very powerful and do not pass away because they carry in them the seed of an eternal principle.
- Mantras that register with the soul. I qualify this because many mantras which are written are merely composed of fancy words which have no power to create change or action.
The Great Invocation and the Song of the 144,000 are Words of Power and also contain principles.
- Special words and sounds which are recognized by devas and higher lives.
- The OM and the AUM when sounded correctly.
- Prayer.
There are others, but this gives us the general idea.
One of the purposes of the universal religion will be to teach people to recognize and use words of power. Even so, such words have been used in all religions, but not recognized as such.
Name some words of power which have been (or are) used in the Christian religion. How did these words manifest as power or create change?
Do words of power always produce good or do they sometimes produce evil?
I'm tough, ambitious and I know exactly what I want. Madonna (1958 - )
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey