2004-12-18 17:23:00
Here is a quote about Krishnamurti from DK [Djwhal Khul] which can be found in Alice A. Bailey's works, "Discipleship In the New Age."
"One of the first experiments He made as He prepared for this form of activity (overshadowing) was in connection with Krishnamurti. It was only partially successful. The power used by Him was distorted and misapplied by the devotee type of which the Theosophical Society is largely composed, and the experiment was brought to an end: it served, however, a most useful purpose. As a result of the war, mankind has been disillusioned; devotion is no longer regarded as adequate or necessary to the spiritual life or its effectiveness. The war was won, not through devotion or the attachment of millions of men to some prized ideal; it was won by the simple performance of duty, and the desire to safeguard human rights. Few men were heroes, as the newspapers stupidly proclaim. They were drafted and taught to fight and had to fight. It was a group recognition of duty. When Christ again seeks to overshadow His disciples, a different reaction will be looked for. It is because of this that A.A.B. [Alice A. Bailey] has so consistently belittled devotion and advocated spiritual independence. No devotee is independent; he is a prisoner of an idea or a person.
"When Christ comes, there will be a flowering in great activity of His type of consciousness among men; when disciples are working under the recognition of the Christ, there will then come the time when He can again move among men in a public manner; He can be publicly recognized and thus do His work on the outer levels of living as well as upon the inner. For these three events, which are connected with the inherent divinity in man, the Hierarchy is working and preparing, and it will essentially register another of the results of the successful use of the new Invocation to aid in this task of preparation."
John C wrote:
"I have never heard of this guy before, but I was doing some research on the Internet. I did a search on 'Scientology' and 'Theosophy.' I wanted to see if anybody else had found any commonalities. I know that L Ron Hubbard didn't like Theosophy, but there were a lot of things he didn't like.
"Anyway, I found this one website of a guy who had been in both organizations and wrote up his impressions. Then he eventually started following the teachings of Krishnamurti.
"Here is his link about Scientology and Theosophy
"Here is his home page"
"But, the real reason why I made this post was to submit this brief biography of Krishnamurti. His parents named him 'Krishnamurti,' which means 'the image of Krishna.' May believed that he was the Christ reappearing. We have talked about many of the implications of the Reappearance, so you might find this interesting.
"Jiddu Krishnamurti biography
"As early as 1889 Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, had told certain of her students that the purpose of Theosophy was to prepare humanity for the coming of the Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher for the Aquarian Age. After Blavatsky's death, Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater considered it their task to carry on this work, part of which was the preparation of a disciple who would serve as a vehicle for the Teacher when He came.
"In 1909 at Adyar, India, Leadbeater discovered a boy, who had been born into an high-caste Brahmin family, whose aura he judged to be completely free of selfishness. Annie Besant also met this boy and proclaimed him an incarnation of Maitreya, the messianic Buddha.
"This boy was Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was then 13 years old. Adopted by Besant and Leadbeater, he received intensive training, then 10 years of schooling in England. People in many countries were informed of his future role. At the age of 27, Krishnamurti had a personal vision which convinced him that the consciousness of Maitreya was beginning to overshadow him. Theosophists throughout the world had been waiting for this development. Annie Besant traveled (1926-27) in England and the United States with her protege Jiddu Krishnamurti, whom she announced as the new Messiah.
"In 1929, following this two-year tour Krishnamurti himself rejected these claims that he was to be regarded as a World Teacher, and dissolved the World Order of the Star, a religious organization he had founded in 1911. At this point it numbered 60,000 members, managed huge sums of money, and owned tracts of land throughout the world, many designated for Krishnamurti's future work. He was then 34 years old.
"Krishnamurti also renounced his association with the Theosophical Society, declaring: 'I do not want followers. My only concern is to set men absolutely, unconditionally free.' He spent the rest of his years teaching humanity how to achieve that freedom.
"He retained some connection with the theosophical movement, however, and continued an active career of lecturing and writing. He finally settled in Ojai, Calif., where from 1969 he headed the Krishnamurti Foundation. His writings include Commentaries on Living (1956-60), Freedom from the Known (1969), The First and Last Freedom (1975), Life in Freedom (1986), and Think on These Things (1989).
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