2004-12-11 05:53:00
I just realized that John C had a birthday yesterday. Happy birthday John. My brother was also born on Dec 11th.
Thanks for comments from the group on the latest chapter.
Later in the book we will cover more details about Right Perception that will fill in some gaps. Remember Right Perception is different from physical seeing with the eyes or hearing with the ears. Jesus hinted at this when he said "he who has eyes to see let him see."
Right perception is much more than taking in light through the physical eyes, but consists of seeing or perceiving correctly.
Two eyewitnesses can give different accounts of the same event, but both had eyes that saw the same thing. Even so, there is a Right Perception and that was what actually happened.
Keep in mind that Right perception is the key that leads us in the direction of the understanding of the Third Key for which there is no exact word. This is why the group gave many words that circled around the principle.
Quote from the last chapter:
Look, hear, feel, taste, smell and understand. During this next week you will retain some of the charge I have given you and will be more sensitive than normal. Apply yourself and reflect on how all three keys interplay as well as applying the third Key of Perception. Always be aware of what is available to perceive.
If you were in this situation what would you attempt to perceive?
In every power, of which taste is the foundation, excellence is pretty fairly divided between the sexes. Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey