2004-12-8 06:00:00
As far as I can tell what you have written is in alignment with what I see as truth.
I admit that "Divine Possession" is a religiously incorrect term but the trouble is that there are several types of overshadowing and sometimes it is difficult to tell which type of overshadowing DK is referring to because he uses it so generically. To differentiate what happens with two entities of light in one body I coined the phrase. It may not be perfect, but I can't think of a better one.
One advantage is that it catches people's attention and makes them think.
No problem bringing up this subject. It is an important one to clarify.
John's Post:
"JJ quoting me:
The two minds 'become as one mind, intertwined and understanding each other.' However, I do not see how it is necessary for the other entity to occupy my physical body in order for this to take place.
It sounds like you are talking about the Oneness Principle which is an entirely different thing than Divine Possession."John:
I was quoting from the passage in Book III, which you cited previously as an example of over-shadowing.
"(JJ Note: Like I said in describing higher spiritual experiences there is much overlap.)
"Here are two key points which you made which clear up a lot for me:
"'Divine possession involves two conscious entities in one lower triad which is composed of one physical/etheric body, one emotional body and one mental body. All three of these bodies belong to the original occupant."
"'If the two entities of light are sharing one body there is a blending of their Spiritual Triad which DK calls Atma-Buddhi-Manas (higher mind) The synthesizing of the two Spiritual Triads indeed causes the disciple to be in the Master and the Master in the disciple. The physical, the astral and lower mental are merely vehicles to use to reach our world, more than vehicles for sharing consciousness."
"Let me try and restate this another way to see if I understand this. Tell me if I am missing anything. I still don't like the term 'divine possession,' but I'll go ahead and use it. That term is really a red herring.
"I think it is interesting that we have a triad of triads: two spiritual triads, and one lower triad. That's nine, an important number.
"This might be obvious to you and so you never mentioned it, but I started thinking about the personality vehicle and the level of evolution of a person who might be divinely possessed, vs. the personality vehicle and level of evolution of a person who might be possessed by DB's.
"It seems to me that the mind is the key difference.
"The divinely possessed disciple would have mastered body, emotions, and mind, and would be a third degree initiate (at least), with soul contact, and would have great skill in the science of impression, telepathy, and in the oneness principle. This person would know the correct use of the mind and have a well-developed bridge to the soul.
"The physical and emotional bodies of this person would be subject to his mind. So, in order for two different entities to influence the personality bodies, they would probably do so through the mind. The mind has the power of decision and has freewill to either act or not act on the impressions it receives through the soul.
"The difference would be that the disciple would be willing to let his mind be controlled or influenced by another upper triad, other than his own. The lower must be brought under the control of the higher, and in this case, the over-shadowed disciple, having subjected his mind to the direction of his own soul, also willingly submits to the direction of a still, greater entity.
"On the other hand, a person possessed by evil spirits does not have this spiritual connection, their personality bodies are not in alignment, and the person has not overcome glamour, maya, and illusion, and is therefore subject to every astral influence that blows in through the 'door,' which they have carelessly left open.
"A demon-possessed person would not have any control over their body and not even be aware of what they are doing. A divinely possessed person would be focused and aware and under the control of their mind.
"So, if a higher entity wished establish a connection to the physical world by working through the personality vehicle of another, he would enter in at the gate, which would be the mind. A thief or a robber would sneak in some other way. (Do you like the use of that parable from the Gospel of John? I just thought of it. And the fact that this came to me tells me that I am getting closer to the truth.)
"In other words, in order to be used by the Hierarchy in this manner, a disciple must show himself to be a very, very useful tool in the hand of a very, very skilled workman. This principle applies to all of us, but much more so to a person divinely possessed.
"Does this cover it? Is this a correct understanding of what you are teaching? If so, I can come pretty close to accepting this. I am still uncomfortable with the term, but if I correctly understand more of the principles behind this and how it works, then I think I am OK with it. Please tell me if I got this wrong. I know my use of the terminology is not rigorous, so I hope you understand what I am getting at.
"I found a few references in DK which helped me understand this as well. I won't quote them, but here are the references.
"Speaks about the mind building the bridge to the soul, and the soul building the bridge to the mind.
"More about the mind and the antahkarana (bridge to the soul).
"'When the disciple has mastered to some degree the significant difference between messages from his own subconscious or the subconscious of other people with whom he may be en rapport, and the messages coming from his own soul, his life then becomes more self- directed and organized, more fruitful from the angle of service, and therefore of definite use to the Hierarchy.'
"These passages don't deal with over-shadowing, as such, but it seems to me that a person who is being over-shadowed would have previously mastered all of these stages of development.
"I am thinking about writing you privately about my own particular situation.
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey