2004-11-24 06:07:00
Rob writes:
"I remember seeing a documentary that talked about ancient artwork (and more recently but before 1947) depicting objects that resemble present-day descriptions of aircraft of unidentifiable origin. This doesn't jibe with your no-ufo-sightings-pre-1947 theory."
On hindsight a handful of possible UFO sightings were made before 1947, but after the first one was nationally reported in 1947 (by Kenneth Arnold from Idaho) then the number of such sightings increased a hundred fold. In other words, when people's imaginations were stimulated, their imaginations created more sightings.
A while back there was a group in Boise who would meet weekly and always see UFOs. I was curious so one week I went along with them. We all looked up in the sky for a while until one of the group said "there's one," pointing her finger at the sky.
I looked up and said, "That's not a UFO, that the planet Venus."
The group seemed downcast after I spoiled this sighting and saw nothing while I was there. When I left I felt that if I did not correct the lady that the whole group's imagination would have been triggered and they would have seen all kinds of things as they usually did.
Then another time there was a guy who led a group to UFO sightings who claimed to be able to call them down and talk with the captain of the ships telepathically in the process. I never did get in on this bunch.
"JJ, you say that people from other planets fold their bodies up into the spiritual in order to transcend the speed of light, but they can only do this with their own bodies. They can't transport other things like seeds and animals for which they would need ships. Well that explains why the Avatar of Synthesis can't manifest physically -- we've been visualizing him with clothes on!"
They have the technology to do this with their ships also and all that is within them.
"What makes us so special that, out of all the trillions of planets in the universe, advanced lives would want to pay attention to us for the purpose of stimulating our growth? What'd they do, draw from a lottery and it just so happened to be earth's lucky day?"
I never said that we are one out of trillions. I said that planets with advanced technological life is fairly rare. There are still quite a few in the galaxy, but it will take a lot of searching for the SETI program to find another like earth. The ones that do exist will eventually populate the neighbor worlds. We will cross the ocean of space and find new worlds occupied by natives just as we crossed the ocean on the earth and found what we saw as primitive people.
"You wrote: 'chances are [the ships] came from this solar system rather than outside of it.'
"What would be the purpose of ships traveling within our own solar system? What are these ships doing/transporting?"
Research, vacation, curiosity, etc.
"What was so special about the year 1947 that people started reporting seeing UFOs at that time but not previous? Why not 1847?"
This was shortly after the development of the atomic bomb. Neighboring lives are paying more attention to us, but the sightings also stimulate the imagination creating many false sightings and contacts. Many are also deceitful, looking for attention.
"What would be the purpose for etheric beings visiting humans while they're in a quasi-dream state?"
Most of these instances are imaginary, but the ones that are not are probably for research of some kind.
"Do crop circles have anything to do with the UFO phenomenon? If not, what causes them (the unexplained kind, not the man-made kind)?"
I've not sought the answer to this, as it is a low point of interest to me. If I had to guess I would say they have nothing to do with UFOs.
If ETs are using these to communicate with us they are doing a poor job for no one I know has received a usable message from them.
"Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."
-- Richard L. Evans
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Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey