2004-11-23 05:22:00
Let us go to some of Sterling's questions:
"My awareness of the ET [Extraterrestrial] issue has grown from a passing interest into a conviction, and with that conviction comes a hole in my theology -- a void because it is not addressed in the theology with which I was raised, and even the newer theology that I am considering as I comb the world and its varied richness of theological teachings that are generally absent in the religion in which I was raised, though not necessarily incompatible with it."
Actually, I'm sure you are aware that life on other planets is taught in the LDS [Latter-Day Saints -- Mormon] scriptures so the fact that there are ETs out there should already be incorporated to a degree. Here are several scriptures pointing this out:
"And he beheld many lands; and each land was called earth, and there were inhabitants on the face thereof." (Moses 1:29)
"But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them." (Moses 1:35)
What is not taught in the LDS scriptures is anything about UFOs, but even if they do exist it doesn't change much. Any ETs would be much like us traveling through a series of lifetimes until liberation is achieved.
"How do ETs fit into the plan of progression, ours, theirs, and the idea of a hierarchy of benevolent beings (God') who actively superintend events on the planet in the form of the Holy Ghost and guardian angels, in opposition to demonic impressions and guidance from the dark brotherhood, as you call them?"
Each planet with life has a Hierarchy within a greater Hierarchy of a solar system. The God who is the head of this earth is the Ancient of Days and is a disciple of the Solar Logos who dwells in the Sun in refined matter in a state of livingness incomprehensible to humans. Our star system is one of seven systems composing a greater Hierarchy. The head of this greater system is so advanced he is merely called "The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said." The reason he is called this is that his consciousness is beyond the reach of even the Masters. All they can do is register his influence and know of his existence.
Contrary to popular belief the Spiritual Hierarchies in the universe are created from the bottom up rather than the top down. In other words, once you go so far up you will discover new Hierarchies in the process of creation. How far above The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said does the reach of Hierarchy extend? This is not given.
Hierarchies which exist on a fairly equal basis cooperate with each other. For instance the Logos of Venus and Earth are closely related for our Logos came from Venus. Significant sharing goes on between the various planetary hierarchies.
The Hierarchies of our solar system have a close connection with the system of Sirius. The planets around Sirius do not have advanced humans in the dense physical, but have a very advanced brotherhood in the higher ethers. This Sirius Brotherhood of Light is in a system of a sun many times as brilliant as our sun and shares its light and intelligence with our hierarchies.
All this has nothing to do with ETs as the world sees them, but they are extraterrestrial nonetheless.
Any ETs who have advanced technology would be under the hierarchy of their native planet and would be subject to working out their liberation just as we are.
"Theologically, who are the E.T.'s and what role do they play? Are we their inferiors spiritually? I would imagine there is quite a wide gamut there, from highly evolved technologically, but not spiritually, to highly evolved spiritually but not so affixed technologically; from highly benevolent, to highly malevolent. There seems to indeed be a galactic, if not intergalactic 'war' between the forces of good and evil analogous to the struggle here on this planet. From what I understand, our planet is not a sitting member of our galactic federation because we are not advanced enough to have representation, so we have a sort of 'little child that needs to be watched over' status."
I answered part of this in my last post, but will add this. Most of what you hear about galactic war and federations is from unreliable channeled material who got their inspiration from Star Trek.
There is no such thing as an intergalactic war. There are 200 billion star systems in this galaxy alone and not with advanced enough humans who are close enough together to even war among themselves on the physical plane. The current universe is young yet and when we explore other solar systems we will find that most of them have been untouched by any federation and are waiting our assistance in their development. The inhabitants of this planet are one of the seeds of the galaxy which will sprout and grow to other systems.
The only real federations in the galaxy are the two brotherhoods who are not connected in the dense physical.
"What role do E.T.'s play in the formulation of earthly theology? What role do E.T.'s play in actual epiphany/manifestation kinds of phenomenon?"
The ET in a spaceship has little or nothing to do with earthly theology. Theology and doctrine has been developed through earthly lives who have contacted their souls or higher lives connected with this earth.
"Do their angels visit and appear and influence here? Do ours go there to their various civilization centers?"
No and no with this caveat. There are representatives higher than the angel kingdom who visit various hierarchies and offer help.
"Do the various population centers of the various ET races have isolated heavens where the departed spirits between lifetimes reside, or is there commerce between them?"
Normally between lifetimes entities will dwell in the astral and mental spheres of their own planet. Each person has a Ring Pass Not that they cannot pass because of the limitations of his consciousness. Those with higher consciousness may visit other planets within our system but rarely outside of our system.
"Do they have border-crossing conditions from one heaven to the other?"
As I said -- it can happen.
"What about the 'hellish' post mortality experience that some who have lived horrible lives experience? Is there commerce (interaction) between the hells of the various population centers of the galaxy?"
Not for the normal hell where the person is condemning himself and punishing himself with guilt. However, both the light and dark brotherhoods have overcome the problem of guilt, but by using two different methods. The Dark Brothers have seared the conscience with a "hot iron," as the scriptures say, and the Brotherhood of Light have transcended guilt through understanding the Love of God, or the Atonement as taught in the scriptures. Thus do the advanced Dark Brothers have their own brand of liberation (which is temporary) which allows them some interplanetary contact in the lower ethers.
They do not see themselves as being in hell because they are not suffering with guilt. Even so, they dwell in a kingdom of shadows with no glory from the light of god.
"Let's say in my next life I yearn for a particular experience that will not be able to be fulfilled for eons on this planet, so I wish to go to another galaxy where a planet is at a certain stage and configuration so I can have a particular experience. Is there a group evolution that keeps me "stuck" with this planet or galaxy, like a child is generally stuck with its family while growing up?"
Something like that, but it has more to do with your ring-pass-not which keeps you in a system until you learn the lessons of that system.
"When we think of life after life (mortality followed by mortality, with a 'spirit world' breather in-between where choices are made about what the next mortality will entail), and we consider our brother-sister beings of other civilizations in the galaxy, and we consider that some of them are 'adopted' into our group evolution, and vice versa, then it is conceivable that advanced beings from ET races occasionally incarnate in our civilization to help us accomplish certain things."
Yes, but their number is small.
To be continued.
"It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power."
-- David Brin (1950 - )
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Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey