ETs -- Part 1

2004-11-22 05:16:00

Sterling asks about ET's [Extraterrestials] and how they fit in the scheme of things. I have written a few things about them in the past, but have not put a lot of attention on them.

The main reason for not putting a lot of attention on them is that we humans here on the earth are responsible for our progression and the direction we take as a people and planet. ET's in space ships have no immediate mission to help us along or interfere with our destiny.

That said I will give you a few of my beliefs about ET's. They may or may not be true.

Physical self conscious life dwelling on the surface of a planet with technology more advanced than ours is rare in the universe. The only ones capable of interstellar flight are members of the Brotherhood [of Light] who have transcended physical reality and are capable of taking physical matter to the higher ethers where the speed of light can be transcended. When they reach their destination they can recreate themselves on the physical plane and have interplay.

The Brotherhood [of Light] only travel in spaceships when they have cargo that needs to be transported. Such cargo are various types of seeds and vegetation animals and other types of life for which to seed certain planets.

When taking a cargo is not necessary then an advanced member of the Brotherhood [of Light] can merely travel in his spiritual body and be born amongst us. Then there are other times he may share a body with a willing disciple, using his eyes and ears as a way to explore our world.

Nature made the stars so far apart to prevent the interference of one system with another until they developed the spiritual technology to transcend space. When this technology is developed then the beings are responsible enough to not unduly interfere with other planetary lives.

The Dark Brotherhood on other planets can, through meditation, create etheric vehicles that are capable of reaching earth, but they are unable to descend to the physical once they get here. They are able to commune with their disciples on the earth who have a sympathetic vibration.

Even though the earth is the only planet in the solar system with physical life on its surface, it is not the only one with intelligent life. We are ahead of many sister planets because we have had more stimulation from advanced lives.

Every planet with a molten center has life either on its surface or its interior. The gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have lives that are gaseous and unlike anything science has imagined.

Even though the earth is the only planet with physical life on its surface, it is not the only one with intelligent life. On each planet there are other spheres made of the higher ethers and there intelligent life exists. There are many more self conscious beings on the higher ethers than there are on the dense physical. The conditions for life on the physical plane are very demanding whereas on the higher planes the right conditions are more plentiful.

There is always rejoicing in a solar system when the conditions are met for self conscious physical life because there are opportunities for growth here that are not available elsewhere.

You'll note that in many sightings of UFO's [Unidentified Flying Objects] the person will state that the ships made maneuvers that seemed impossible in physical reality. Some report a ship moving at incredible speed and then coming instantly to a full stop or a sharp turn that defies the laws of physics. The reason for this is the ships were not physical, but made of etheric matter and the chances are they came from this solar system rather than outside of it.

There is a lot of misinformation about ET's and UFOs. About 99% of what we hear reported on them is either not accurate or just not true.

There are three main reasons for this:

  1. The orthodox reasons given by the government -- mainly people making mistakes in observations.
  2. People tend to manifest that which they believe. Before 1947 no one was reporting being visited by aliens, but after a few sightings were reported, and many started believing in ET's then the power of this belief manifested much illusion around the subject. The power of belief mixed with desire causes many to see visions of ET's which they mistake for reality.
  3. People mistake etheric vehicles for physical.

You'll note that in most stories of visitation they are awakened from sleep. In many cases they are still asleep but are having an experience in a quasi dream state. Sometimes it is real contact with etheric beings and other times it is their imagination playing tricks on them.

To be continued.


Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary.
  -- Reinhold Niebuhr (1892 - 1971)


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