Soul Understanding

2004-11-14 04:55:00

Thanks Arit for your effort to efforts to promote true principles. One idea on the drawing board is to create an audio version of Book I of the Immortal and then give it away free as an MP3. This way the whole book can be placed on one CD and should sell enough books to make a profit.


DK talks about a divine idea dawning upon the soul of Christ, not his mind.

Stretch your minds and souls and tell me, what is the difference between something dawning upon your soul compared with an idea dawning upon your mind.

We've received some great response to this. I do not have time to do them justice, but I am sure they have been helpful to many. Let me just add a few things.

All of us have had ideas dawn upon our minds, perhaps not divine ideas, but ideas nonetheless. Therefore, most of us have an idea of what the experience would be like. But a divine idea distilling upon the soul is another matter, especially when not all have soul contact let alone a soul infused personality.

This "dawning" which happened to Jesus is far beyond that which is understood by average humanity. Does this mean it is futile to contemplate it? Is it also futile to contemplate higher knowledge that seems to have little immediate use in our daily affairs?

The answer is no and no. Any knowledge and understanding around true principles is beneficial even if it concerns information we will not use in a million years.


Two reasons.

(1) All truth is like puzzle pieces which, when put together, create a great picture that reveals a new level of understanding. If you are presently putting together the pieces that make up a tree and have in your hand a piece that will make up the girl who is standing off to the left, are we to throw the piece away because we cannot use it immediately?

Of course not. We place the piece to the left so it can be available when we move to that part of the puzzle. It will save time because you will not have to look for that particular piece when the time comes.

(2) The contemplation of higher truth will expand your consciousness so you will be better equipped to handle the truth with which you are currently dealing.

Exercise makes you stronger even though all the work you put into it builds nothing on the outside. Eventually the added strength comes in useful in the outer work you do.

By contemplating higher truth, even truth that seems to have no immediate application, you are thus adding strength to your consciousness so all things become easier to understand, even the practical work that lies immediately before us.

DK tells us that the soul is a master on its own plane, therefore the dawning of divine truth upon the soul is likened to the dawning of truth on the consciousness of a master who is soul infused. As we receive from the soul even so does the soul receive from the monad, or the Father in Heaven, or, to word it another way, the Divine Will.

The Will of god is closely linked with pure life energy. Therefore, the dawning of a divine idea upon the soul would have something to do with a greater understanding of life and purpose of divinity as it applies to humanity.

Jesus said: "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

That which dawned upon Jesus had to do with the abundant life, but a quality that extends beyond health and wealth.

Notice he says: "I am come that they might have life..."

Didn't they already have life? Was he not speaking to living people?

Not in the sense that he finally understood it. He comprehended a divine idea behind life that was not understood by his disciples. The true understanding of life itself is one of the keys behind the power of miracles.

There is a considerable amount of good information in Chapter Two that we have not covered, but most is self-explanatory. Let us then move to Chapter Three.


Read Chapter Three post and comments or questions that come to mind.

As of this writing the web link for the Alice A. Bailey writings does not seem to work so I will herewith post Chapter Three as a separate post.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Ovid (43 BC - 17 AD)