2004-11-11 05:42:00
My Friends,
I'm finally getting caught up on a few things so I can take a few minutes and respond. Thanks for your thoughtful comments on the latest questions. A gold star goes to John C for all the thought he has put into the three words "experiment, experience and expression." This illustrates the ideas that come when one properly contemplates on seed thoughts.
I just have a few minutes so I will comment on the latest question first:
"Why do you suppose it is important that Christ wait until there is some stability and right relationship on earth rather than coming in a time of turmoil to fix our problems?"
The traditional view is that there will appear a great antichrist that will make Hitler look like goody-two-shoes. This will followed by end-of-the-world cataclysmic events ending in Jesus showing up in the sky smiting the wicked with fire. Afterwards, they will burn as stubble and the remaining righteous will either enter heaven or live on the earth in a paradise with Christ.
The interesting thing about this scenario is that it is similar to the expectations of the people before the first coming of Christ.
Did the mainstream expectation prove to be right?
What really happened?
Instead of an end-of-the-world scenario Jesus was born as a babe in a manger and grew up as a regular mortal unnoticed by his brethren in Jerusalem.
Will the mainstream prediction be correct this time?
Unlikely. Mainstream is rarely correct.
So what will happen this time?
DK tells us that instead of coming during a time of great destruction that he desires to come at a time that the nations of the world are in a relatively stable condition so he will be able to accomplish his work and teachings unimpeded.
The prophesy in Malachi tells us that if he does have to resort to coming during a time of destruction that it will be because of failure on the part of mankind.
Unfortunately, the religions of the world are anticipating a Second Coming that is the result of failure rather than success.
The masses of religious thinkers need to change their attitude and point their attention toward humanity establishing right human relations so we can have a Christ that will assist the willing among the race rather than being a salvage operation of some kind.
A lot of the misinterpretation occurs because believers read of the end of the world in the Bible which is actually a mistranslation. It should read "the end of the age."
After the end of each astrological age of approximately 2160 years the world as it is known dies and a new age with new keynotes is established.
The old heaven (spiritual; teachings) and the old earth (customs and traditions) pass away and a new heaven (new revelation) and a new earth (new order of things) is established.
As it was in the past so shall it be again. The earth will not end, but the old ways will pass away giving space for the new.
He is free who knows how to keep in his own hands the power to decide. Salvador De Madriaga
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey