
2004-11-9 05:10:00

Since John C is on a roll with the last question I thought I'd give a little more time before I give my thoughts on it.

Meanwhile let me give you another quote from Chapter Two, The Reappearance of Christ, Chapter II - The World Today, Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul, that emphasizes our responsibility in materializing the Second Coming.

"Today, humanity stands at a peculiar and unique middle point, between an unhappy past and a future which is full of promise if the reappearance of the Christ is recognized and preparation for His coming is undertaken. The present is full of promise and also full of difficulty; in the hands of human beings today and in the immediate present, lies the destiny of the world and - if it may be reverently said - the immediate activity of the Christ. The agony of the war, and the distress of the entire human family led Christ, in the year 1945, to come to a great decision - a decision which found expression in two most important statements. He announced to the assembled spiritual Hierarchy and to all His servants and disciples on Earth that He had decided to emerge again into physical contact with humanity, if they would bring about the initial stages of establishing right human relations."

Notice that "servants and disciples" are responsible to "bring about the initial stages of establishing right human relations."

Why do you suppose it is important that Christ wait until there is some stability and right relationship on earth rather than coming in a time of turmoil to fix our problems?


"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
  -- Edgar Allan Poe