2004-11-4 05:06:00
I have been thinking about politics and religion and/or spirituality and have come to an interesting thought.
It seems that most political types (as a whole) do not like discussing religion or bringing religion into the political arena.
On the other hand, many of the religious/spiritual/metaphysical types do not like discussing politics or bringing it into the spiritual equation.
This latter fact was really brought home to me during the last gathering. As I started to present the Principles of Political Unification it wasn't long until many of the audience got up and left. During the break I talked with several of these and they complained that they did not come a long distance to listen to politics.
Now keep in mind that the topic of political unification was not partisan in any way so this was not what offended them, but the subject of politics itself.
I think we are entering a time in which we must realize that politics and religion are merely two branches of a vaster subject, a little like the right and left brain function making up the thinking of the whole brain. If we divorce ourselves from either the thinking side, or the emotional side, we will not be whole. Even so, politics and religion are both spiritual when looked at synthetically.
Politics is centered around the life principle, designed to give us the trinity of order, security and certainty.
Religion is centered around death and the unknown and is designed to give us faith, love and comfort in the midst of uncertainty.
We cannot live life to its fullest without understanding death, nor can we die in peace if we have not faced life and made the best of it.
That said let me give a quote from Alice A. Bailey about this subject:
"The common people are today awakening to the importance and responsibility of government; it is, therefore, realized by the Hierarchy that before the cycle of true democracy (as it essentially exists and will eventually demonstrate) can come into being, the education of the masses in cooperative statesmanship, in economic stabilization through right sharing, and in clean, political interplay is imperatively necessary. The long divorce between religion and politics must be ended and this can now come about because of the high level of the human mass intelligence and the fact that science has made all men so close that what happens in some remote area of the earth's surface is a matter of general interest within a few minutes. This makes it uniquely possible for Him to work in the future."
("The Reappearance of the Christ," by Alice A. Bailey, Pg 18-19)
Notice that he [DK -- Djwhal Khul] makes a quite controversial statement:
"The long divorce between religion and politics must be ended...."
Now most people in religion, philosophy and metaphysics, as well as politics, believe in the separation of church and state -- but DK seems to believe otherwise.
How do you suppose the "long divorce between religion and politics" will come to an end? How will they work together?
Does this have anything to do with the coming of Christ?
"What does it matter how one comes by the truth so long as one pounces upon it and lives by it?"
-- Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)
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