2004-10-29 03:52:00
What if humanity fails (to prepare for Christ) and the needed preparations are not done? What will happen then?
The answer really lies hidden in another question. How bad is the negligence of humanity in preparing the way of Christ?
If the needed preparations are made then he will come within a generation and fulfill his mission.
On the other hand, if disciples and humanity are negligent the results depend upon the degree failure.
If the failure is such that the mistakes can be corrected then there may be delays with a successful return but the mission will be accomplished. The Christ may decide to use an overshadowing rather than a direct appearance.
If the negligence is bad enough then we have to worry about the prophecy of Elijah coming true. Below is an edited version of a previous post elaborating on this.
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse...." (Malachi 4:5-6)
To understand the meaning one must examine the key word here which is the mistranslated "curse." The word comes from CHEREM which literally means "utter destruction" or "extermination." It is translated as "utter destruction" in I Samuel 15:20.
It is derived from and very similar in meaning to CHARAM.
Here are some verses where this word is used:
"Come against her from the utmost border, open her storehouses: cast her up as heaps, and destroy her utterly (CHARAM): let nothing of her be left." (Jeremiah 50:26)
"He that sacrificeth unto any god, save unto the LORD only, he shall be utterly destroyed (CHARAM). (Exodus" 22:20)
We are thus told that the entire earth is in danger of having all life "utterly destroyed" unless we "turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."
The first question is, what is meant by the children turning their hearts to their fathers?
This means that we should study the history of our fathers or those who came before us, not only from the scriptures but from all possible accurate historical records.
Because history repeats itself if we do not learn the lessons of our fathers. This is one reason why the study of the rise of Nazi Germany and Hitler are so important. If we understand what happened there we can prevent another antichrist from coming to the surface. A Hitler in this age would be much more dangerous than one previously because we now have the power to destroy human existence as we know it.
Thus one key to preventing the "utter destruction" of the earth is to learn from the mistakes of our fathers.
From a scriptural viewpoint we must also learn of the promises of God to the fathers, and the most prominent of them all is the promise of the gathering of Israel or the gathering of those who have the Holy Spirit within them.
The second key to preventing the destruction of the world as we know it is to turn the "heart of the fathers to the children."
What does this mean?
We are the children of the fathers past, but we are the fathers (and of course mothers) of all future generations. Unless we as a human race cease having our hearts merely centered on our little selves and enlarge our capacity to reach out to our children of future generations and seek to make the world a better place for them, these future children may not even be born because of the destruction we could bring upon ourselves.
Too many Bible believers have withdrawn their responsibility to make the world better for our children. Instead they sit around waiting for God to destroy the world and wind up being of no use to God or man in the process.
This type of cop-out is exactly what Malachi warned us of. Instead of sitting back and waiting for God to do it our hearts much reach across time and sense our personal responsibility to rising generations.
If we sense this what will we do?
Notice that Malachi does not seal our doom. Instead he gives us the solution, the way of escape from a great peril and that put simply is this:
"Learn the lessons of history and leave a world for our children a better place than we found it."
We are on the cusp of a new era and have learned some things and do have enough people on the earth with enough light to make a difference. If good men do nothing but wait for doom, we are indeed doomed; but if good people follow the highest they know and seek guidance of the Holy Spirit, then salvation will be ours and this salvation is what I teach without apology.
New Assignment:
Read Chapter Two starting at:
"The Reappearance of the Christ - Chapter II - The World Today," by Alice A. Bailey
Post any comments or questions.
""Security is an illusion. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all."
-- Helen Keller
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey