2004-10-26 06:53:00
The Assignment:
We are told that one of the reasons a periodic Messiah is needed is "a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness." Then we are told he will come "for the firm establishing of the Law."
What kind of Law will Christ establish? Ten commandments, Law of Moses, Law of Love, civil law or what?
What does law have to do with the Seventh Ray and the Age of Aquarius?
I think most disciples realize that the mission of Christ will not be to reinstitute some strict Law-of-Moses type code. But neither will he promote a flower-child type situation where anything goes. In fact, it is unlikely that he will have any civil authority over the nations at all. If he has no civil authority then how can he institute any laws?
Even though his plans are not given out, we can assume it is highly likely that he will come as a teacher and concentrate on those items of which the world is in the greatest need. As world leaders begin to take notice of him he will obtain power to council them and influence the direction of their governments and legislation.
In addition to this he will gather around him trusted disciples with whom have earned authority and a direct influence. Concerning these DK [Djwhal Khul] says:
"Today the Christ is carrying forward the same great task and in the spiritual significance of His imminent Coming (and in the language of symbolism) He and His nine thousand arhats will strike a second blow at the world glamour. It is for this that we prepare. Only the intuition can dispel illusion and hence the need of training intuitives. Hence the service you can render to this general cause by offering yourselves for this training. If you can overcome glamour in your own lives and if you can, therefore, comprehend the nature of illusion you will help in:
"a. The destruction of the dweller on the threshold.
"b. The devitalizing of the general maya.
"c. The dissipation of glamour.
"d. The dispelling of illusion."
(Glamour: A World Problem, Pg 24, by Alice A. Bailey)
Christ therefore will have thousands of disciples to assist him in teaching, influencing the powers-that-be and establishing new orders.
While it is true the law of Christ is governed by the law of love which is written within our hearts, it is also true that there are only a small percentage of humanity who sense this law accurately and are able to abide by it.
John C mentioned that we will only have the laws of Christ when he comes, but this refers to those who will gather around the Christ and will have a degree of soul contact. What about the great unwashed out there? We must realize that the new age will bring progress for humanity, but the average person will not be a lot different than he is today. He will still rather drink beer and watch football in his spare time than to learn from the feet of the master.
Therefore, for the civilizations of the earth as a whole, standard civil law as we understand it today will still be necessary. We will need laws to protect us from murder, theft, rape etc. Even so, there will be some major revisions.
There are several problems with civil law today:
The only ones who should be sent to prison are those who commit violent crime or refuse to make restitution to the victim.
The prison system is often called a "correctional" program, but few do anything to assist the prisoner in the direction of correction. Instead of making punishment the top priority, correction and education needs this status. This is too vast of a subject to cover here, but it does need the attention of society.
We could add to this list, but this suffices to give the needed idea.
The Seventh Ray, which is growing in strength, governs law, ceremony and business. The coming of Christ and the Masters with him will infuse all three of these categories with new life and justice. One prime point of attention will be the teaching of ceremonial magic on a somewhat scientific basis. In other words, certain types of symbolic gestures, accompanied by thought, will produce certain results that can be duplicated at will.
This will be discussed in greater length later on.
DK writes: "The reason He has not come again is that the needed work has not been done by his followers in all countries."
It's been about 60 years since he wrote this. Has much preparation been done in this time? What else needs done to prepare for the coming of the Lord?
"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints."
-- Billy Joel (1949 - ); from the song "Only the Good Die Young"
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey