2004-10-24 06:16:00
Assignment. Realize that each stanza has invocative energy pertinent to the return of the Christ. Tell us how each stanza applies to his return.
Thanks for your comments on this. I just have a few minutes tonight so I'll just add a few thoughts.
Just as all inspired words have multiple interpretations (or multidimensional interpretations) even so it is true with the Great Invocation. A large part of the reason it was given out was to prepare for the return of Christ, but it does have other applications. Even so, let us concentrate on how it applies to the return.
Stanza One
From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth.
We often only think of love in relation to Christ forgetting that he proclaimed the words: "I am the light of the world."
Light precedes love. Light and love are interdependent. If we are to prepare our hearts to receive the love of Christ we must first increase the light of Christ so the love can be recognized, received and embraced.
Stanza Two
From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth.
Notice that the return is invoked in this stanza. This is because Christ represents the second ray of Love Wisdom and this is the quintessential energy that he will wield.
Stanza Three
From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men - The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
What is that will? Part of that will is that Christ return to minister to humanity here on earth. Seeing the return as part of the will of God as we say this will increase its power.
Not only is Christ the Light of the world and represents the love of God, but he has much to do with manifesting the will of God. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Garden of Gethsemane where he yielded to the Will of God by saying, "not my will but thine be done."
Stanza Four "From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out. And may it seal the door where evil dwells."
The race of men (you and I) must work out certain problems and do our part in preparing the way for his coming. Part of this working out is the sealing of the door of evil. This evil is not evil as defined by most people. Instead, DK equates it with a door that can open an opportunity for evil which can take away free will as represented by Nazism. This is the evil that can take away the freedoms of the world and undo the progress we have made. Part of this evil is represented by the current terrorist threat. Many minimize this threat and look for evil where little exists. We must find threats to freedom where they truly exist and shut the door on them so they have no power.
Last Line: "Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth"
Is part of the mission of Christ to restore the Plan, or at least part of it? Yes, but this cannot happen unless we have a free flow of light and love and power.
Power not only includes the spiritual, but a free flow of new sources of power for transportation, manufacturing etc.
Question: The verse from the Gita that we quoted said: Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself.
For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth age after age.
Here we are told that one of the reasons a periodic Messiah is needed is "a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness." Then we are told he will come "for the firm establishing of the Law."
What kind of Law will Christ establish? Ten commandments, Law of Moses, Law of Love, civil law or what?
What does law have to do with the Seventh Ray and the Age of Aquarius?
Many a promising career has been wrecked by marrying the wrong sort of woman. The right sort of woman can distinguish between Creative Lassitude and plain shiftlessness. Robertson Davies
Copyright 2004 by J J Dewey