2004-10-19 06:12:00
I am judging things by the way you seem to dismiss and belittle what you condescendingly term the 'nothingness philosophy' and all those whom you believe are associated with it. There is a sarcastic tone to your posts regarding it JJ. Have I misunderstood?
Since dozens of people have come here with this philosophy all saying the same thing, all doing everything in their power to draw attention toward them, to change the direction of the forum, all being very judgmental toward us, all insisting we need to listen to them to be saved - you should understand that members who have been here for a period of time grow weary of such ego-centered waving of the hands for attention.
In the past we have been quite patient with the Nothingness Philosophy people, but we are to the point where we will limit the amount of time we will give them.
Perhaps I do sound a little sarcastic, but I am way beyond feeling joyous about someone insisting I repeat myself for the hundredth time.
One thing I am not is judgmental toward you in a negative way. I do not accuse you of not knowing the Will or Love of God or insist your experience is not valid.
Well if you have (surrendered to God's Will), why do you belittle those who seek to do the same, and those who would share and perhaps spark some insights on the subject, making them sound like cranks, who you and your group have little patience for, and who are in truth only interrupting your glass agenda?
JJ: None of us have any problem with anyone yielding to God's will. What we have a problem with is zealous believers interfering with our will by insisting we go off topic and listen to them.
Steve: Would you not embrace with joy and open arms those who seek to do what you hint here to have already done?
I have also gotten married to a great woman, but I will not accept with open arms people coming on the list talking about how great their spouse is. Just because something seems right does not give you the right to attempt to force your happiness on to others. In fact such a thing cannot be done.
Quoting JJ:
Again why do you judge me so negatively? Are you looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing your own image instead of your brother's?
I hope not, I am simply calling a spade a spade, and it is your own words and energy which reveal themselves, not my opinion either way.
So again, what can you tell us here of God's Will and the Divine Plan for mankind in these times? Perhaps cutting to the point of all of our seeking here on earth may be of greatest benefit to all?
God's will is for each individual to discern. I always teach as close to God's will as I am able to place thoughts into words. If the will of God is seen in any of my words then it is up to the individual to find and verify. If I were to proclaim that XYZ is God's will and expect to be believed just because I say it I would becomes as the beast of Revelations seeking to exercise unjust dominion.
Will you consider putting this on topic?
The Will of God is a fairly vague topic and one which has been covered periodically in its aspects. You would need to introduce a subject that would be of interest to the majority here - one that has not been covered in detail.
He who fights monsters should look into it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you. Friedrich Neitzsche
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved