2004-10-19 01:43:00
Good answer, and this is a very noble aspiration.
But let me ask you; do you know The Will of God, or The Divine Plan for mankind as it were?
And if so, would you summarize this for us?
You've already judged me to not be in harmony with the Will of God so why do you wish me to give you that which you have already rejected with your mind?
Now the reason I ask these things is because as far I am aware, in order to make contact with God's Will, and so the very purpose of life itself, we need to be able to see beyond our own will first. And if we are to become an agent of God's Will, we will need to take it one step further and begin to utterly 'surrender' our personal will, along with all its delusions, ideals, hopes, dreams, and philosophies, and so become empty enough to receive a Divine transmission or awakening.
Now can you understand the great need to empty oneself of self, or to surrender?
Why do you assume I have not done this?
I cannot understand how you seek to be an agent of God's Will, if you do not know this, and have not realized the value or need to surrender your own personal will and agenda to God's will JJ. Again, how can one know God's Will at all, let alone serve as his agent if they do not understand the importance of surrender, or to what they should be surrendering?
Again why do you judge me so negatively? Are you looking at yourself in a mirror and seeing your own image instead of your brother's?
Because the women are watching. T. E. Lawrence, ...when asked, Why do men go to war.
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved