2004-10-17 06:12:00
The Question:
How about this? Is the mind a great benefit or an obstacle to be removed - or perhaps a little of both? Do we need to release ourselves of our attachments? How do we do this?
The first step in answering this question (as John pointed out) is to distinguish between the mind and brain.
The brain is a great computer with a tremendous hard drive capable of holding many gigs of data.
Do we want to remove the brain so we have no memory or ability to function on the physical plane? Not unless you want to leave the physical plane. Since everyone posting here is on the physical plane we can assume they want to stay attached to their brains so they can remember the English language and type posts back and forth.
While the brain is like a great computer the mind itself is much more. The mind is likened to the person who uses the computer program to accomplish certain ends. The mind does not have facts and data, but uses facts and data from the brain as needed.
The majority of humanity are already mindless, but not brainless. These people use their computer brains and function according to the line of least resistance or in the direction their various types of programming takes them.
Those who tell us to become mindless are therefore preaching to the choir for over half of humanity is already mindless.
When the mind awakens things change. They are no longer limited to the program, but they can use the power of reason and logic to remove limitation.
Once we attain the ability to use logic and reason beyond the ability of our computer brains do we want to discard it and become mindless again?
Consider this. If all who can use mind ceased using mind all progress of humanity would cease and after a generation or two we would revert to violence and lawlessness.
In answer to the question as to whether we want to dispense with or lay aside either brain or mind, the answer of every honest person who wants to remain alive on the physical plane would be no. It's silly to think of such a thing.
On the other hand, there is an advantage and disadvantage to all things. There is a time and place to use or not use all creations.
We do not want to throw away mind and brain, but we do want to use or not use them wisely.
Here is a quote from my previous writings:
Most people believe that the more knowledge we accumulate and have running around in our head, the more intelligent we will become, but is this true?
Many people who are considered geniuses are noted for being "absent" minded. Einstein emptied his mind of all knowledge to the extent that when he went on walks he would often forget where he was and have difficulty in finding his way home.
Often the greatest inspiration will come when the mind is a complete blank.
Therefore, is it possible that the guy who memorizes a whole encyclopedia may actually have a disadvantage over another who has just made a general study of it?
If I were to tell you that God does not know anything, would that mean anything to you or just sound like nonsense? (End quote)
A principle is revealed here. That is, we can often receive our greatest inspiration, not by eliminating the mind, but by setting it aside temporarily while in contemplation. It is then that a mental vacuum is produced with draws forth inspiration and wisdom that is later used in connection with mind and brain.
It is a mistake to believe the mind has to be permanently set aside, for while existing on the physical plane mind and brain is essential to civilized living. However, the disciple does need to learn to not clutter up his brain too much and to be able to use his power of attention to place it on the brain and mind or to temporarily take it off to receive higher principles.
What about this we hear about the attachments of the mind?
Actually, the mind does not get attach so no detachment is necessary. Instead, it is the desire nature associated with the emotional body which becomes detached. It is with the assistance of the mind that the desire nature is freed from attachment, making the mind a solution for freedom from attachment rather than the problem.
So is there any problem we can trace to the mind that hinders liberation?
Yes. It is illusion. Illusion is created by a wrong foundation belief that is used with logic and reason to come to conclusions which will be erroneous. We must thus discover these wrong beliefs and replace them with truth instead of error.
Many say that the way to God/home/pure Spirit is to follow your heart or to go through the heart.
Is this all there is to it? Does the mind play or not play a role? How about the four plane of formless worlds higher than heart or mind?
We immediately become more effective when we decide to change ourselves rather than asking things to change for us. Stephen Covey
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved