2004-10-15 15:39:00
Every so often when a new wave of members come in we seem to have a situation where a certain amount of confusion exists over the purpose of this list. Unlike many other lists this was set up as a classroom with me as the teacher. What I therefore present in this class room situation is on topic and everything else is off topic.
Those who join should be here because they find what I teach to be of interest and or worth, not to be a free-for-all or to promote some other agenda.
That said, instead of repeating myself I have take exerts of past postings on this subject and included them below.
Hope this helps.
A reader makes a post that is unclear, but seems to protest the fact that this is a classroom with rules and I am the teacher.
Every so often someone comes along who protests the fact that we have a classroom situation here as something that just should not be. Evidently to avoid being hypocritical these people would never attend a class or send their children to school. Sad.
Anyone who feels they have nothing to learn in a classroom situation here should withdraw and find a forum more suited to their needs.
Anyone who merely desires a forum to promote their own philosophy should set up their own classroom or forum so they can draw like-minded souls to themselves.
Anyone with an agenda to preach to us and convert us to alter the classroom into an entity after their own image should prepare to have most of their posts rejected.
I am not here to show the group how much I have to learn (even though I have much to learn). Instead, I am here to impart that which I have been given and this I hope to continue to the best of my ability.
You are very correct in saying that "there are many noble souls who are participating in this classroom. Many of them could easily be in the very position you are in and conduct a very meaningful class."
Part of my mission is to duplicate myself so others will start groups and lists like this one and even "greater things."
Dozens of you make postings that stir me greatly and I can see that if you should decide to do so you can go forth and teach and stir the souls of men just as I have been privilege to do in a very small degree. I also sense that many of you feel a need for preparation and want to learn all you can for now to prepare for things to come. Each of you are here because of something that spoke to you from within and this is what I encourage you to follow no mater where it leads.
So yes, you may be the "teacher" of this group, but I would submit that you are not the only one with sufficient stature and background and spiritual maturity to be able to hold that position.
Being a teacher as I am in this group is not a position like those you mention in the church. In the church when a position is filled then it is just full. No one else can have it until there is a vacancy. Even then one cannot volunteer, but must wait to be appointed by an authority.
On the other hand, my "position" is open to all.
Paul gives the principle to be followed by spiritual teachers: "Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation." Rom 15:20 In other words, Paul was saying that he did not seek to build a church and set himself up as a teacher where the teachings of Christ were already established by another teacher or he would be unproductively building "upon another man's foundation."
Even so I do not plan an jumping in to John's forum and telling everyone that it is time for John to move aside because I am now here.
Even so here. This list is a forum put together by Rick dedicated to my teachings. The foundation thus was created by Rick and me working together and if another man were to build on this foundation it would probably be out of sync. If a teacher wants to be in sync with his students and his soul he must initiate on a foundation that registers within himself and then gather around himself like-minded souls.
My Friends,
Some of the posts on the Shoot the Breeze forum (the Cafeteria) suggests that there are a couple members who feel that we are exercising an unjust dominion on the Keys forum so I thought I would make one more post in an attempt to clarify our policy here.
In an attempt to be open to all things during the first couple years of the Keys we had a completely open class with no moderators at all. We have always had a few simple rules, but during this period those who broke the rules were merely reminded that this was a classroom and not designed as a free-for-all. Most responded positively, but every now and then a member came along who did not and we wound up drifting far from the class topic and many members who came to learn became frustrated.
With the goal of maximum freedom of exchange we put up with these infraction of the rules off and on for two years until a certain member became so disruptive and the complaints and resignations from the list became so numerous that most agreed that limited moderation was necessary.
A few months ago we switched over to a moderated list. Diane is the main moderator and Rick, Travis and myself are backups.
Since that time the Keys have been much more peaceful and on topic, even though a number of off topic posts still come through.
I would guess that during this time we have rejected about a half dozen posts. But even with these rejections the writer can rewrite according to the rules and resubmit.
But, even though the moderation has been mild some have accused us of assuming unjust authority over their freedom to post.
The fact is that no matter what path you pick, however just, in dealing with a group not all will be satisfied. Rick and I were accused of being pushovers when we allowed all to post and now we have a mildly moderated list some accuse us of being dictators.
Overall, with the number we now have on the list members are much happier with the moderated list than the unmoderated one so we will continue with this plan.
Here are some guidelines to go by: If someone makes a post to the Keys and it has definite untrue accusations then we will send it back with an invitation to provide true facts behind such statements.
If someone starts posting in a direction that leads us off topic then that may be sent back for editing.
All legal Keys members are free to challenge my teachings which are under current discussion. As far as that goes all others are also free, but my limited time will also cause me to use discernment in which questions I field. Overall, members will admit I have answered most challenges, all that is humanly possible for me while maintaining the interest of the class.
There is a middle way here and both extremes lead to disorder. Diane, I think has about as good of judgment as can be found for this job and Rick and I do little or nothing to influence her as she will attest.
In the past we have let some name-calling slip through (mostly from my critics). We hope to catch these in the future. If you use this tactic your post will be sent back requesting that the name-calling be taken out.
If your post is seething with negativity then it may be sent back.
But even though a handful of posts may be rejected there is still an avenue to make yourself heard if you feel that you have been wronged. Mark created the Cafeteria for us so all those who wish to express themselves off topic or just let off steam can say whatever they feel like.
Now, I do not want to digress into a mass of arguments as to whether or not we should have a moderated forum or how good of a job in moderation we are doing. If you wish to make comments on this please send it to the cafeteria.
Instead we wish to focus on the class.
Some forget that this is a class and as the teacher I have a responsibility to do what I can to keep the class on topic and make sure the class progresses onward with the course. This cannot be accomplished in a free-for-all situation. We have established a minimal of rules to make this happen. This will not appeal to anarchists and a few others, but that cannot be avoided.
So, let us clear the air and move onward as Jonathan Livingston Seagulls seeking new frontiers.
"But to understand the method whereby that storehouse is kept replenished, and to comprehend the means whereby the bounteous supply of the All Father is brought in contact with the children's need is better still. One of those maxims I can here give anent supply and demand. It is only as a skilful use is made of the supply for the needs of the worker and the work (I choose these words each one with deliberation) that that supply continues to pour in. The secret is: use, demand, take. Only as the door is unlocked by the law of demand is another and higher door unlocked permitting supply. The law of gravitation holds hid the secret. Think this out." DK
This is not a free-for-all list, but a classroom. This gives it a different purpose than most of the lists out there. Not only are political topics off topic, but all topics are off topic that led us away from our main points of discussion. Since I am the head teacher here at present then I get to set the topics that are to be discussed. We do, of course, allow some off topic posts if we do not think they will lead to a major distraction. Political attack posts are the main ones we reject because they do lead the group off course.
If you go through the Keys archives I think you will find more people trying to take me off a pedestal than those putting me on one. In addition I think you'll have to go through over 100 posts, on the average, before you find someone praising me. In any classroom you'll find diverse opinions about the teacher. This one is no different. As evidence that this class is composed of intelligent independent thinkers we find that even my strongest supporters will stop on a dime and question me if my words do not ring true to their soul or convictions. Even Susan, whom you are accuse of being overly devoted has done this several times and it took some doing to answer her objections. And look at Larry who is presently grilling me tooth and nail. He spends a terrific amount of time and energy keeping up the archives and numerous other favors. We all owe him a lot.
And consider Blayne. When he first joined the list he put me through the wringer like no one else. I am now honored to have earned his respect, but certainly not mindless devotion.
What often happens is that others tap into the same source that I do through the Oneness Principle. When this happens the answer one gives will be similar to the other so it sometimes sounds like they are collaborating, but such is not the case.
I can certainly see why many gurus, prophets, priests, kings etc just make it an understood rule that they are not to be questioned. It take's a lot of work to present new teachings and respond to objections and questions. This is not the easy route, but one I have chosen.
The Keys is not a religion, nor an organization, nor a business and has no bureaucracy.
The Keys is a classroom with a teacher, students and those who assist in teaching. No one has any authority to tell anyone how to govern their lives, who they will marry, what job they will take, what their spiritual quest shall be, what religion they are to take up, whether they smoke, drink, have sex, attend services, meditate, donate money, spend money etc. You don't even have to buy a textbook as in the case with most classes. About the worst abuse that could happen here is that the student may just accept what has been said without doing his homework. And what is his homework?
It is to do some independent thinking, reading, checking and to run all he can by his own soul for confirmation.
But what if the student puts the teacher on a pedestal and thinks he is larger than life? (I could only wish...) I had this happen myself with a couple teachers. And what was the result? Only fond memories and inspiration whenever I think of him/her.
This is not a service group and will never be. It is a classroom dedicated to learning. What each of you do for service is your own business and you are each free to reveal what you do or not. I personally know that quite a few of you are very dedicated to serving your fellow men and women and most of you do not broadcast that which you do. The purpose of the Keys is to make ourselves knowledgeable and enlightened enough so we can serve more effectively - just like a class in college is supposed to prepare you for the real world. We do have one service group called the Triads and will have others for various purposes but as far as this group goes the greatest service one can render is to learn all they can and share what they know with others. If someone wants to change or enlighten the world they will have to move on to other stepping stones of service besides this group. No group can do all things for all people. The most successful of them will not spread themselves too thin, but focus attention on the task at hand.
In addition to that let us re-examine a true teaching situation: The Spanish teacher knows the language teaching those who do not know. Does this have anything to do with belief systems?
Either the teacher knows Spanish (algebra or whatever) or he does not. To attain a position of a true teacher has to do with the acquisition of knowledge, not belief.
Who wants to learn from a teacher who just has some nebulous belief system? A student willing to do so gets what he deserves.
In addition to there being true teachers there are true students. The true student desires to acquire true knowledge, not a belief system. The true student realizes that knowledge is useful and belief is illusionary. The true student tests the teacher and makes sure that the teacher is one who is capable of leading him or her to greater knowledge.
The true student (or one who is really learning) does not see himself as on a "lower level." Instead he seems himself as one who is progressing to a "higher level."
If you want to learn Spanish you find someone who knows it well to teach you. If you are a genuine student you will not stand up at the end of the lesson and say: "That sounds good. Now let me tell you some Spanish I know." The student is babbling here because he knows no Spanish.
Now let us say that the student knows more about surfing than the teacher. Would it be appropriate for him to stand up at the end of the class and say:
"Hey dudes! You've learned some Spanish, now let me teach you about surfing." This is counterproductive because the students came to learn Spanish, not surfing. Maybe one or two will think that learning surfing is great, but the majority may become irritated with the interruption of the learning.
"But what if I know Spanish as good as the teacher?" says one. "We can teach each other."
If you spend your time teaching each other then you will not be teaching the students who do not understand Spanish and the benefit will be nil. If you know Spanish as well, as the teacher it would be of little benefit to attend the class. Your time is better spent teaching a class yourself or attending a class having an advanced teacher.
"What if I know Spanish better than the teacher and know that he is making mistake? Do not I have a duty to sit in class and correct him?"
If you did this it would disrupt the continuity of the teaching. The mistakes the teacher makes will be discovered by the students when they go out in the real world and converse with Spanish speaking people. If you see the teacher has some error it would be best to speak to him privately about it.
"What if I am a student and I think the teacher has made an error, or something he says seems to make no sense?" As a student it would be appropriate to question the teacher and get clarification or get to the truth.
"I was in this study class where we were all equal and there was no recognized teacher. We studied A Course In Miracles and shared our thought and we all learned. What do you say about that?
You learned a lot because you did have a teacher. It was the author of A Course in Miracles.
How many people get together with no teacher (either a teacher through a book or physical teacher) and really learn much of value? I have not seen it.
So here is the core of the problem Paul. I am the recognized teacher of this group. I know a few things that I am happy to share and some are happy to receive.
Even though you do not see yourself as a teacher you seem to be attempting to be a co-teacher with me. This can only work if the two teachers are following the same course material and coordinate lessons with each other. Two teachers (even good ones) competing against each other with separate materials will only create stress and confusion among the class members.
I do not see any student focus within yourself in relationship to me. This puts you in the situation of being an associate teacher sitting in on my class. I do welcome associate teachers, but do request that any participation they have is in harmony with the class material and not in attempting to introduce new material.
The Course In Miracles says it well: "Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum."
To be truthful, I feel I don't have to repeat what you have said if I see things the way you do. You should take this as a compliment, JJ. I didn't find it appropriate in this context to keep superfluously complimenting what you are saying.
I wasn't fishing for compliments here. If an associate teacher is sitting in on class it would be almost obnoxious for him to raise his hand periodically and say: "Way to go JJ. You're doing great!" Instead I was stressing the helpfulness of finding a point of agreement (the famous oneness we talk about) and expand upon it.
This is comparable to the associate teacher hearing an interesting word taught in class and raising his hand and saying something like: "You might be interested in learning the story of how this word originated..." Then the guy gives additional information in harmony with course materials that helps the students expand upon the intent of the teacher.
I have a question to ask you Paul. I do not ask it to intimidate you, make you feel uncomfortable or scare you off for you are welcome here. I ask because I am genuinely curious and I feel others share this curiosity.
Why are you in this class?
The reason I ask is that my way of doing things seems so foreign to your way that that you're a little like Gandhi trying out for the first string in a pro football team. It's not that Gandhi is a bad guy. The question is why does he seek to be so out of his element?
This class is set up with a definite student-teacher relationship.
It is impossible to enjoy idling unless there is plenty of work to do. Jerome K. Jerome (1859 - 1927)
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved