The Higher Fruit

2004-10-14 05:39:00

Bryan writes:
When reading, studying and contemplating the NJ Meditation, in addition to coming across a host of personal revelations as to what this "exercise" means to me, and would share them with you except that they are just that--personal revelations as it pertains to what it means to me...

....I was somewhat confused (as in disturbed) by the last "scene" in the meditation...and have come to know that when I "feel" this that more often than not it's because I either don't have all the information or have understood what is being given incorrectly.

In any event, the last portion of the meditation reads as follows:

"Then the Master speaks again.

"You will eat of the fruit of this tree only when it is granted to you by me or one appointed by me. Because you are still of the earth it is wisdom to divide your attention on the various twelve aspects as needed. So unless this most desirable fruit is given to you, you are to eat of one or more of the twelve fruits of which you are most in need."

This thought seems to satisfy your soul for you feel the effect of this fruit will stay with you for some time to come.

You eat the rest of your fruit and after all of you are finished the Master sets the group around him in a circle in preparation for further instruction."

Why is it that I need to "get approval" (or wait to be given it) from "the master" or "one appointed by him" to partake of what I understand to be "the love of God"?

Yes, I know the answer as per the meditation is that it is because I (and you) are still "of the earth"--and I (thought I) understood that this (the love of God) was what we were supposed to be attempting to(liberally and freely) partake of from The Tree Of Life?

Or are these "fruits" from some "other tree" and not The Tree Of Life?

This is a good question Bryan. On casual reading it does seem that this runs contrary to my teachings of seeking the God within, but such is not quite the case.

The answer is this.

There is Hierarchy in all things divine. Where there is a third degree initiate, there will be a fifth. Where there is a fifth there will be a sixth. Where there is one who has passed all initiations in the human scheme there will be, in relation to him, a Logos who is higher still.

Those who are higher in evolution have more wisdom, mastery and knowledge of the various spheres and vibration and have a spiritual obligation to assist those of lesser achievement.

One of the forms of assistance is to protect them from themselves as they move from one vibratory rate to another.

If the average seeker were told that there are seven vibratory steps ahead that he can take on the way to liberation he would most likely proceed with eagerness not realizing that if he did take the next two steps without adjustment he would incur a vibratory rate he could not withstand - that could either destroy his etheric web or drive him insane.

There are certain safe steps into the presence that we are allowed to take on our own represented by the twelve fruits, but there are other steps where we must be judged by a Master who knows when we are ready to eat of the higher fruit.

A correspondence on the earthly level is the taking of medicine. There are non prescription drugs that are deemed safe to be left to our own discretion. But then there are stronger drugs that take a highly trained doctor to determine if you can safely partake.

There are spiritual fruits which we can partake which take much preparation before they can be safely eaten.

Perhaps some of you have been prepared for the higher fruit by your inner teacher without your being aware of what was transpiring. Have you ever felt, out of the blue, an increase in your vibratory rate? That is, you felt some type of spiritual power generating in you and you knew not what it was about?

Chances are you were being exposed to a higher vibratory rate to prepare you, over a period of time, to partake of a greater fruit than you before imagined was available.

When the disciple is ready, the Master will appear, and offer him the fruit of the Spirit and the two will eat together with joy.

A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. Robertson Davies