2004-10-13 05:09:00
Since we've been hit a lot lately with the Nothingness Philosophy I thought I would make a few more comments on it in addition to the tens of thousands of words I have already written on it. Perhaps this will be useful to some of the new people who wonder why members seem to be a little impatient in dealing with them.
Someone asked a while back what the Nothingness Philosophy is. Here it is in a nutshell.
There is a point between the dualities, between (or beyond) the high and low point of the wavelength, between light and dark, black and white, hot and cold which is neither up or down left or right. This point is beyond time and space, has no form, but the source of all things. This point is where the true God is.
This is the point to which we must return if we desire eternal bliss. This is ironical since bliss itself can only exist as one side of a duality. Even so, this point beyond time and space, this point of nothingness, sometimes called the great void, is where believers want to go.
The question is - how do we get there?
Their teachings on this are fairly vague. The main reason for this is they say that the experience of the Nothingness Point cannot be put in words because it is beyond words. Even so, it is very desirable to be as nothingness for it is blissful beyond description.
Roughly, here is how we get to the blissful point.
(1) The world of duality is pure illusion and is basically our own deceptive creation which takes our attention away from the Nothingness Point. What we therefore need to do is let go of all creation in the world of duality. This allows us to return to nothingness.
(2) We must let go of our minds which deceive us with the illusions we see in front of is. We must empty our minds of all knowledge, past beliefs, attachments etc and be as if we know nothing.
(3) Ironically, even though we are supposed to let go of everything to do with the mind we are not supposed to let go also of the feelings of the heart - even though the feelings of the heart are a part of duality. I've never seen them give any reasoning behind this. They say we are to follow our hearts which will lead us to the Nothingness Point. Some use the word "surrender."
(4) Even though they tell us we reach the Nothingness Point by letting go, the advocates don't seem to want us to let go of them. They seem to think that their assistance is somehow essential.
(5) Love is essential to reach the Point, but if you have not reached the Point then you do not understand love. It must be explained to you by someone who has reached the Point. Then after love is explained to you, you must admit that his definition of love is correct. Once you do this you are well on your way to the Point.
(6) You should have no interest in what others call the "real world" and let everything go. I'm not sure how the nothingness people do this since most have jobs, families etc.
(7) Meditate and put your attention on the point between dualities.
Now the recent people who have come on the list teaching this philosophy have added a new doctrine not had by most of the nothingness people. This has a Christian slant added to what is normally an Eastern philosophy.
(8) This added element is called "grace" and is very similar to the orthodox Christian teaching on the subject. By grace we are saved, but instead of being saved to live with Jesus in heaven you are saved to go to the Nothingness Point.
They are not clear how grace works but from my observation it appears to go like this.
It is by grace that you came across the teacher who has achieved the Point. Accept what he says and by God's grace you will also achieve the point.
It seems that grace and "luck" is quite similar to these advocates.
(9) Even though we are supposed to let go of all attachments it appears there is one exception. Because eternal salvation is at stake it is of extreme importance that this doctrine be presented so people have a full understanding of the choice that lies before them. Therefore, one clear attachment seems to be OK. This is the attachment to converting the great unwashed which they attempt to do with great persistence and zeal.
Is there any truth to the Nothingness Philosophy?
Just as there is truth in every religion and teaching there is some truth to this teaching. As in all things the seeker must use the light of his own soul in seeking it out.
Do you see any truth in the Nothingness philosophy? What do you think it is?
This subject will be on topic for the next couple days, but if you are into this philosophy please try to stay on subject and not just repeat what has been said so many times in the past on this list.
Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows. Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)
Copyright 2004 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved